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Metior_Ice's avatar
2 months ago

The Merfolk of the Sulani Seas

Overtime, I'll add to this post to expand the Table of Contents and make it easier to access the chapters. 

Table of Contents

Use the links in the Table of Contents to read the chapters in order. The links are working and will take you straight to a chapter. This should save people the trouble of scrolling through the thread.

Eventually, I plan on trying to put the "Meet the MerSims" Section in a spoiler, but given the trouble I've had using Spoilers, I'm putting that update on hold.

The Little Merman Arc

Chapter 1: The Shadow of the Sea Witches

Chapter 2: Swimming to Zalia Grottos

Chapter 3: Life's Full of Tough Choices

Merfolk of the Sulani Seas Lore

Overtime, this post will be updated as new merfolk appear in my story. My merfolk won't die from old age, and I'll be following many of my old rules for merfolk. I expect that it could be easier to cheer for a specific character since they won't disappear anytime soon.

Meet the MerSims

Overtime, this post will be updated as new merfolk appear in my story. My merfolk won't die from old age, and I'll be following many of my old rules for merfolk. I expect that it could be easier to cheer for a specific character since they won't disappear anytime soon.

The Zalrian Pod

Kemps Zalrian

Calum and Reef's older brother. He doesn't approve of his younger brother's interest in humans, but he learned to accept Arihi after she became a mermaid. Kemps is loyal and devoted to protecting his family. After the twins joined the pod, he's become a little more protective and overbearing. This has led to a more strained relationship between Kemps and his nephew, Alex.

Out of the three brothers, Kemps is the most responsible. He’s had to look after his younger brothers for a long time. After Calum and Reef started their families, Kemps became the Patriarch of the Zalrian Pod. His number one priority is ensuring the safety of his pod.

Kemps was the original Blue Tail Guardian of the Sea. When Alex became a merboy, Kemps passed the power onto him.

Reef Kailani

Reef is Calum's older brother and Kemps's younger brother. Reef was adopted by Kemps when Kemps was a merboy and Calum was a merling. All three brothers were orphaned at a young age. Despite Human Pollution playing a significant role in the brothers becoming orphans, Reef doesn't pick a side when his brothers argue and debate about humans. Reef neither hates nor likes humans.

Out of the three brothers, Reef is the mediator. He’s gotten a lot of experience settling disputes between his brothers. Reef is the Patriarchal Heir of the Zalrian Pod. Should anything happen to Kemps, he's next in line to lead the Zalrian Pod.

While most mermen don’t wear any accessories, Reef has a shark tooth necklace. The Shark Tooth came from a close encounter with a shark before Kemps adopted him into the Zalrian Pod. Reef has a close relationship with a lot of sea life, except for sharks. Most merfolk don't play with something that can be so dangerous.

Sarah Kailani

Calum Zalrian

Calum has an unusual curiosity concerning the human world. He’s proud to be a merman as much as he’s fascinated by humans. He's found a balance between his interest in the human world and his life as a merman. While some merfolk might seek out a sea witch to pursue their own interests beyond the sea, he's content with his family under the sea. Calum would never seek more than what he has, but he will always have some interest in things from the human world. Kemps chose to give Calum's eldest son the Power of the Blue Tail Guardian because he didn't want the power to complicate things more between them.

Calum's life partner, Arihi, left her life on land and choose to live in the sea as a mermaid. Calum and Arihi sang the song that brought the twins and their eldest son into the world. Calum is naturally family oriented. 

Out of the three brothers, Calum is the most compassionate and understanding one.

Arihi Zalrian

Ages ago, Arihi gave up her life as an elemental to be with Calum in the sea. Her sisters and brothers in the spirit realm did not make her transformation permanent. If Arihi wanted to return to the spirit realm, she has the option to do so.

Arihi is a Halfling. She is half-mermaid and half-elemental. Most Halflings age like humans do, but her elemental origins allowed her to retain her eternal youth and immortality.  Arihi has the ability to take a human form and doesn't need to make a deal with a Sea Witch to walk among humans. Kemps forbids members of his pod from interacting with the human world. Consequently, Arihi hasn't walked among humans for a very long time.

Arihi practices light sea sorcery. Her spells require the same payment as dark sea sorcery spells, but they lack the potency to be permanent. When time runs out, her contracts lose their power and the magic tied to it gets undone. Arihi grants a signer's wish for a limited time, and for the most part, this is enough to help whoever seeks her out. 

Alex Zalrian

Calum and Arihi's oldest son. Even though his mother is a Halfling, Alex is a Reef Merman. Kemps gave Alex the powers of the Blue Tail Guardian when he came of age. While Alex loves his ocean home, he wishes to see more beyond the sea. This causes most of the conflict between him and Kemps.

He shares his father's curiosity about the human world and often gets too close to humans, breaking his Uncle's Rules. Unlike his father, he isn't content with his life in the sea. As a Reef Merman, he lacks the ability to live anywhere else. Alex is still learning about what it means to be a Guardian of the Seas.

No Reef Merfolk can take human form without help, and the help of a Sea Witch often comes with a heavy price few would pay. But, a chance encounter led to a decision that would change Alex's life forever.

Alex made a deal with Damion that cost him his voice. While the merboy gained the ability to see worlds beyond the ocean, he no longer has the ability to speak, laugh, sing, or make a sound of any kind. Damion is known for never going back on a deal, and Alex is learning to accept his new life as a mute.

Dylan and Zephyr Zalrian

The twins that have always been a part of everything from the beginning. I turned back the clock to give them their mermadic childhood I always wanted to give them. Dylan and Zephyr inherited their mother's spiritual connection to Sulani, but they aren't island elementals. Dylan has an affinity for water magic. Zephyr has an affinity for air magic. Dylan and Zephyr are identical twins with no visible difference in their appearance. Despite their identical appearance, they are different individuals. 

Dylan is a creative prodigy with a talent for capturing the essence of emotions in his artwork. He's gifted with any instrument and can tell epic stories that will trick you into believing they are true. Dylan is aloft with creativity and inspiration.

Zephyr is a gifted genius. Only his twin can beat him in a game of chess, and he always notices whatever Dylan misses. He's an inventor and an innovative thinker that can bring out the full potential of many things. Zephyr is grounded in logic and reason.

Dylan and Zephyr are inseparable and will rarely be far from each other. Together, Dylan and Zephyr overcome each other's weaknesses with their own individual strengths. The Twins are best friends and extremely close.

Kemps recognized their close bond and didn't want to disrupt their relationship with the Blue Tail Guardian's Power. Instead, he chose Alex as his successor.

Kylen Kailani and Lir Maelstren

Kylen and Lir are Alex, Dylan, and Zeph's cousins. Kylen is Reef and Sarah Kailani's son they sang into being. Kylen had a twin brother named Rylan. Rylan passed away after an unfortunate encounter with sharks. While Sea Witch's can resurrect the dead as merfolk, a mer that dies can't be brought back from death. Not long after Rylan passed away, Lir was adopted by the Kailani when they found him alone in the sea. 

Lir was a merling in the Maelstren Pod before he was adopted by the Zalrian Pod. A conflict with the Human world left many merlings, merboys, and mergirls orphaned. The orphaned merchildren lost their lives to the dangers of the sea without their parents. When the remaining merfolk fled to the open ocean and deep-water reefs, the new dangers resulted in more orphans and broken pods. In many ways, the Zalrian Pod adopting Lir saved his life.

For a merling, Lir is particularly shy and gets most of his confidence when Kylen is with him. The two brothers are jokesters and are notorious for their pranks in the Zalrian Pod.

Lir could never replace Kylen's twin brother, but Kylen loves having his brother around. He often tries to encourage Lir to be more confident and supports him the best he can.  

The Zalrian Pod Social Structure

The Zalrian Pod's Patriarchal Line of Succession

In the Zalrian Pod, the Patriarch Heirs are always mermen, and the line of succession is determined by age. This is kinda like a legacy, but the heirs do not become the Patriarch until after something happens to the current patriarch. A pod's Patriarch or Matriarch does not need a specific tail. While Reef, Kylen, and Lir are technically adopted into the pod and not related by blood to Kemps, they are able to become the patriarch of the Zalrian Pod.

  1. Current Patriarch: Kemps Zalrian
  2. First Heir: Reef Kailani
  3. Second Heir: Calum Zalrian
  4. Third Heir: Alex Zalrian
  5. Fourth Joint Heirs: Dylan and Zephyr Zalrian
  6. Fifth Heir: Kylen Kailani
  7. Sixth Heir: Lir Maelstren
The Blue Tail Guardian of the Sea Line of Succession

The Line of Succession for becoming a Guardian of the Sea is different from the Line of Succession for becoming a Pod Patriarch or Matriarch.

The Six Guardians of the Sea possess voices that resonate with the primordial song that brought the first merfolk into existence. A Guardian of the Seas is always a merman.

If a Merman meets the following conditions, an existing Guardian can pass their powers onto them.

  1. Must be a Merman or Merboy
  2. Must have the same tail color as the Current Guardian
  3. Must be a Reef Merman/Merboy
  4. Share the same Bloodline
Potential Blue Tail Guardians

Kemps is more traditional, and his choice was largely influenced by that. Alex was the oldest in the next generation, but he's not the only eligible candidate to inherit the power. The Blue Tail Guardian Bloodline is the only one with multiple potential candidates.

  1. Kemps Zalrian (Former Blue Tail Guardian)
  2. Calum Zalrian
  3. Alex Zalrian (Current Blue Tail Guardian)
  4. Dylan Zalrian (When he ages up)
  5. Zephyr Zalrian (When he ages up)

The Marus Pod

Nalani Marus

Rio's Life partner and the older sister of the Green Tail Guardian, Anas Mahi'Ai.

Nalani was captured alongside Rio. Her capture was largely because she was trying to protect her younger brother.

Nalani and Rio are the kind of couple most merfolk strive for. They are close, supportive, and work together to help each other. 

The Marus pod is one of the smaller and younger pods. Their Pod is organized around Nalani and is one of the rare examples of a pod with a Matriarch. Even though Nalani is the Matriarch, she took Rio's last name.

Rio Marus

One of the six guardians of the Seven Seas. Legends tell of the six guardians united by one and the power to rule over the seas.

Rio was the first of the six Camilo captured. The deep-sea merman then used Rio's Power to cause some havoc for a couple humans on land. Rio's Voice, along with any mermen that are a part of a Guardian Bloodline, has the power to mesmerize, unite mortals with their soul mates, or induce a deadly heart break. Camilo stole, Rio's Voice with Malevolent intentions and uses his necklace as a means to channel the Orange Tail Merman's Guardian Powers. Camilo's ambition is to capture all six of the guardians and use their power to rule over the seven seas.

Rio's life partner is Nalani Mahi'Ai, the sister of the Green Tail Guardian. Rio, Anas, and Nalani are all extremely close and make up the Marus Pod.

The Marus Pod is a small pod, and despite being soul mates, Nalani and Rio have not brought any new merlings into the world. If they end up having a male merling, Rio's Guardian powers would get passed down to him once he becomes a merboy. For now, the couple enjoy exchanges of affection. 

Anas Mahi'Ai

The Marus Pod Social Structure

The Marus Pod's Matriarchal Line of Succession

In the Marus Pod, the Matriarch Heirs are always mermaids, and the line of succession is determined by age. This is kinda like a legacy, but the heirs do not become the Patriarch until after something happens to the current patriarch. A pod's Patriarch or Matriarch does not need a specific tail. 

  1. Current Matriarch: Nalani Marus
The Orange Tail Guardian of the Sea Line of Succession

The Line of Succession for becoming a Guardian of the Sea is different from the Line of Succession for becoming a Pod Patriarch or Matriarch.

The Six Guardians of the Sea possess voices that resonate with the primordial song that brought the first merfolk into existence. A Guardian of the Seas is always a merman.

If a Merman meets the following conditions, an existing Guardian can pass their powers onto them.

  1. Must be a Merman or Merboy
  2. Must have the same tail color as the Current Guardian
  3. Must be a Reef Merman/Merboy
  4. Share the same Bloodline
Potential Orange Tail Guardians

Even though Nalani is the Matriarch of the Marus Pod, Nalani and Rio's Children will inherit Rio's Orange Tail. The Marus Pod formed after a recent union. There hasn't been time for a Bloodline to form.

  1. Rio Marus (Current Orange Tail Guardian)
The Green Tail Guardian of the Sea Line of Succession

The Line of Succession for becoming a Guardian of the Sea is different from the Line of Succession for becoming a Pod Patriarch or Matriarch.

The Six Guardians of the Sea possess voices that resonate with the primordial song that brought the first merfolk into existence. A Guardian of the Seas is always a merman.

If a Merman meets the following conditions, an existing Guardian can pass their powers onto them.

  1. Must be a Merman or Merboy
  2. Must have the same tail color as the Current Guardian
  3. Must be a Reef Merman/Merboy
  4. Share the same Bloodline
Potential Green Tail Guardians

Even though Nalani is the Matriarch of the Marus Pod, Nalani and Rio's Children will inherit Rio's Orange Tail. Anas hasn't found a partner to pass his tail onto. The Marus Pod formed after a recent union. There hasn't been time for a Bloodline to form.

  1. Anas Mahi'Ai (Current Green Tail Guardian)

The Vatore Pod

Caleb Vatore

Caleb is Damion's Life Partner and the Patriarch of the Vatore Pod. Caleb was one of the few good vampires that protected humans. After an incident with Vampire Hunters, he lost his life protecting Damion. His untimely demise was not something Damion could accept, and Caleb was resurrected the only way Damion could bring him back.

Caleb was reborn as a merman, and like all reef and reborn merfolk, he does not have a human form he can use to return to his life on land. Caleb has embraced his new life as a merman, but he still wants peace between humans and the magic realm. After becoming a merman, Caleb learned some merfolk history from his husband. Almost all the merfolk were driven away from Sulani ages ago by humans that couldn't tell the difference between Malevolent and Benevolent Merfolk. It seemed that the entire merfolk race was on the losing end of a very old conflict with humans. Up until now, he thought the conflict between humans and vampires was the oldest conflict between humans and the magic realm. The Merfolk around Sulani are what the Vampires would become if they continued down their dark path.

As a merman, Caleb wants to see the return of merfolk to Sulani and desires peace between the land and sea. More than anything, he dreams of the day his husband returns to what he was before that fateful night.

What Damion became didn't escape Caleb's notice, his once kind and loving husband became consumed by something dark after bringing him back from death. Still, Caleb holds onto the hope that Damion will find his way back to the light. He still believes that there is good in him. Even though he knows this is a dream, he refuses to give up on hope.

Caleb believes that one day he will see Damion as he remembers him. For now, the days of laying on the shore together remain a distant dream he thinks about, wishes for. Even after everything the humans did to him as a Vampire, he does not hold a grudge against them, and he longs for the day that Damion let's go of his hatred.

Damion Vatore

Damion is one of the six Guardians of the Seas and a merman born with a natural talent for Sea Sorcery. He mastered the art of Sea Sorcery and can brew every potion and conjure any spell.

Many years ago, Damion rescued Caleb Vatore from an ill fate at sea. Damion fell in love with Caleb in that moment. He didn't know Caleb was a vampire, and the merman didn't know about the humans that were actively hunting vampires. For Damion, he never cared enough about the human world to interact with it to begin with.

Over time, Caleb fell in love with Damion. While Damion couldn't be on land with Caleb, the two of them met close to the sea. After several dates, the two learned a lot about each other. Damion treasured every moment he had with Caleb. Caleb enjoyed the escape from the shadows vampires dwelled in.

During one of their shoreline meetings, Damion learned about how Caleb ended up sinking below the waves. Caleb was among the few good vampires that didn't want to harm humans. A group of evil vampires revealed Caleb's location to Vampire Hunters. The Vampire Hunters didn't know the difference between good and evil vampires, and the coven of evil vampires manipulated them to get rid of the vampires that protected humans.

Damion didn't really care too much about the plight of humans. However, Caleb convinced Damion to give them the benefit of the doubt. The merman was moved by his boyfriend's desire to protect humans.

Unfortunately, their meetings by the shore were discovered by the Vampire Hunters. The Humans in question didn't even know they were doing the bidding of the very vampires they swore to defeat. When they found Damion and Caleb, Caleb sacrificed himself to give Damion a chance to escape. Caleb promised Damion that he would escape and that they would see each other again. Caleb knew that Damion was too vulnerable on land. Reluctantly, Damion dove into the sea. That evening, the Vampire Hunters brought an end to Caleb.

The following days, Damion came close to the shore, looking for Caleb. One night, he heard humans on a pier talking about their victory over the "evil" vampire and how they got a vacation out of it too. Upon hearing this, Damion was consumed by sorrow and hatred.

His hatred of humans was born that day, and his sorrow drove him to dive into the depths of Dark Sea Sorcery. Eventually, Damion gathered what he needed to bring Caleb back as a merman. This came at a great personal cost to Damion. The merman's heart was twisted by the darkness he embraced.

Damion's eyes lost their sea blue color as the dark magic consumed him. His pendent that marked him as a Guardian of the Sea lost its purple hue, turning obsidian black.

Damion grew more obsessed with Sea Sorcery and became the Sea Witch other merfolk feared. And despite his crumbling reputation, many poor unfortunate mer came to him seeking spells.

Dark Sea Sorcery allowed Damion to grant their wishes, permanently. While he could always dispel a contract and undo the magic. He never did. For better or for worse, his clients got their wishes with permanent consequences.

Only Damion could release them from the contracts that bound the magic, but the Sea Witch coveted everything he collected. Even after Caleb was brough back and the two of them partnered for life, Damion continued to slip deeper into his dark magic.

Alexander Goth

Ukupanipo Hekekia

Ukupanipo was a poor unfortunate soul that made a deal with Damion. He sought the heart of a mermaid that did not share his feelings. Damion was happy to help a fellow merperson, but his magic came at a price that Ukupanipo couldn't pay. Ukupanipo has lost his free will and is bound to Damion by the contract he signed. Ukupanipo has since turned to the darker side of the sea and serves Damion faithfully. He neither feels the warmth of love nor is he bothered by what is asked of him by Damion.

The Vatore Pod Social Structure

The Vatore Pod's Patriarchal Line of Succession

In the Vatore Pod, the Patriarch Heirs are always mermen, and the line of succession is determined by age. This is kinda like a legacy, but the heirs do not become the Patriarch until after something happens to the current patriarch. A pod's Patriarch or Matriarch does not need a specific tail. While Alexander is technically adopted into the pod and not related by blood to Caleb, he is able to become the patriarch of the Vatore Pod. As a cursed merman and Damion's servant, Ukupanipo doesn't have any claim to becoming a Patriarch of this pod.

  1. Current Patriarch: Caleb Vatore
  2. First Heir: Damion Vatore
  3. Second Heir: Alexander Goth
The Purple Tail Guardian of the Sea Line of Succession

The Line of Succession for becoming a Guardian of the Sea is different from the Line of Succession for becoming a Pod Patriarch or Matriarch.

The Six Guardians of the Sea possess voices that resonate with the primordial song that brought the first merfolk into existence. A Guardian of the Seas is always a merman. 

If a Merman meets the following conditions, an existing Guardian can pass their powers onto them.

  1. Must be a Merman or Merboy
  2. Must have the same tail color as the Current Guardian
  3. Must be a Reef Merman/Merboy
  4. Share the same Bloodline
Potential Purple Tail Guardians

Damion is unlikely to have a potential successor. The Patriarch of his Pod is Caleb and none of their children will inherit Damion's Purple Tail. Instead, their children will inherit Caleb's Orange Tail.

  1. Damion Vatore (Current Purple Tail Guardian)

The Keahloha Pod

Makoa Keahloha

A premade I added to my rotational gameplay. Unlike how he is in a new save, I made him a merman. Not just a human turned into a merman. In my story, he's 100% a natural born merman from the sea. This also means that his Ambitious trait was replaced with the Clumsy Trait, and I changed his aspiration to the Super Parent one. He still retains his core attributes though. He's active and family oriented. Additionally, Makoa fills the role as the Patriarch of his own pod, another small pod. 

Kai, Lano, and Tero Keahloha

Kai was born in game. Lano and Tero were created in CAS to complete the triplet trio. Kai is an Innovator, Lano is a comedian, and Tero is dedicated to the arts. Their story will be just beginning and there will be updates to their character bios in the future.

The Keahloha Pod Social Structure

The Keahloha Pod's Patriarchal Line of Succession

In the Keahloha Pod, the Patriarch Heirs are always mermen, and the line of succession is determined by age. This is kinda like a legacy, but the heirs do not become the Patriarch until after something happens to the current patriarch. A pod's Patriarch or Matriarch does not need a specific tail. 

  1. Current Patriarch: Makoa Keahloha
  2. First Joint Heirs: Kai, Lano, and Tero Keahloha

The Maelstren Pod

Stevie Maelstren

Because the Maelstren Pod was organized around a Patriarch, the males within the pod were used as a tool by other members of the pod to gain power. Much of the conflict was centered around the Patriarchal Line of Succession until the pod was no more.

After the Maelstren Pod was scattered and destroyed from internal conflict, Stevie lost contact with the other remaining members of his pod, Lir and Calden. Lir Maelstren is Stevie's cousin, and Calden is Stevie's little brother. Stevie was the next in line to become the Patriarch of the Maelstren Pod once the conflict ended.

Stevie saved Calden and Lir from the Maelstren Pod conflict, but along the way, he got separated from them and was never able to find them again. While Lir was adopted by the Zalrian Pod, Calden's whereabouts are still unknown. The Merman, Merboy, and Merling managed to survive the pod's destruction by staying away from the conflict. 

Originally, Stevie wanted to restore the Maelstren Pod. For that to happen, he needed to find a life partner, settle down, and locate his little brother and cousin. When Stevie fell in love with a mermaid, his heart was broken after learning of her betrayal. Torn up by a broken heart, he gave up on restoring his pod. Depressed and alone, he went to Damion for a way to escape his heartache and live a new life.

Damion offered to grant him a human form in exchange for the Love in Stevie's Heart. Thinking he had nothing to lose, Stevie sacrificed his ability to find love again in exchange for the ability to take human form permanently.

Stevie now lives a life between the land and sea. He's incapable of finding love again, but the loss of Love in his Heart did not corrupt him. Over many decades, Stevie adjusted to life in the human world and learned how to blend in with them. While he lives out his days on land, he always returns to his home in the sea.

Among the islanders, Stevie is a known fire dancer and bartender. None of the other humans know he's a merman, and for the most part, he's begun to live a quiet and peaceful life on land. 

Many humans have fallen for his looks and charm, but the love is always one sided. While Stevie doesn't seek out romance of any kind, he's often hearing the troubles of humans that buy a drink from him. He's learned how to help others through their troubles.

Calden Maelstren

The Maelstren Pod Social Structure

 The Mordero Pod

Camilo Mordero

Anika Briones

Ronen Mendez

The Mordero Pod Social Structure

More pods to be added in the future.

 The following is a bit of lore I made up for my story. I hope it gives others some ideas.

The Merfolk of the Sulani Seas Lore and Info

The Denizens of the Sea

An outline of things I do differently with my merfolk. These things are made possible with mods. A lot of these rules are creative decisions I made for my story.

Reef Merfolk and Reborn-Merfolk

  1. None of my Reef or Reborn merfolk have a human form without the help of Sea Sorcery. Their mermadic form they are born or reborn with is their one and only form. 
    • Their tails are always the tails from the Neverland Set by Spinning Plumbob. 
    • Reef Merfolk are essentially the merfolk that were born under the sea, grew up in the sea, and typically live their entire lives in the sea. They were never human at any point in their lives. 
    • Reborn Merfolk are individuals that died and were brought back to life by a Sea Witch. It can never happen naturally. Sea Witches can only resurrect the dead as a mer.
  2. If they make a deal with a sea witch, they can exchange their voice, or ability to love, for the power to take a human form. 
  3. Once a deal has been struck, there will be no going back for as long as the sea witch lives or the contract continues to exist. 
  4. Only the Sea Witch that created the contract can dispel the contract after a deal has been made and payment received. 
  5. My Reef merfolk gain the music lover trait as teens and are the only sims that get the Child of the Ocean and Clumsy Traits. 
    • The Clumsy Trait causes my merfolk to occasionally stumble which fits very well with a life that is primarily aquatic. The Clumsy Trait is only given to merfolk that gain a human form, and the clumsy trait replaces the music lover trait.
  6. Prolonged use of a human form by any merfolk gives them the Dagger Walker moodlet. Essentially, they feel like every step is like walking on daggers. 
    • This will not result in a forced transformation; it just makes them feel very uncomfortable.
  7. Reef Merfolk that can shapeshift into a human form can get forced back into their natural form if they get wet.
  8. Reef Merlings typically inherit their Father's Tail Color. 
    • For same sex couples, it's typically the same tail color of the partner that is already in a pod or doesn't/ wouldn't carry the pregnancy. 
  9. Reef Merlings are born from song and the expression of love between 2 merfolk.
    • They are always born into the world in the child life stage. I essentially randomly generate them in CAS.
  10. If a Half-Mer has children with a Reef or Reborn Mer, their children inherit the Reef or Reborn Mer's tail and are subjected to the same shapeshifting limitations all Natural-Born and Reborn Merfolk have. 

  11. All of my Reef and Reborn Merfolk have the eternal youth immortality. They do not age past young adult.
    • It's a play on how merfolk have attributes of beauty and/or handsomeness. 
  12. Because Reef and Reborn Merfolk tend to be more beautiful and/or handsome, a sea witch might be willing to take their youthful beauty/handsomeness in exchange for a spell.
    • This can be an alternative to exchanging their voice or ability to love, but it will age them significantly (straight to the Elder life stage). This option is exclusive for Reef Merfolk.
  13. Reef and Reborn Merfolk Pods are organized around a central merman or mermaid that leads the larger family group. Patriarchs are more common than Matriarchs, but both family structures exist.
    • Pods with a patriarch have male heirs. Pods with a matriarch have female heirs.
  14. Certain skills like singing and playing most instruments are set to the maximum difficulty for developing those skills. My Reef and Reborn Merfolk always have max singing skill and have more time than any human sim to perfect other musical skills. 
    • This includes merlings, or child merfolk. They also have max singing.
  15. Mermen, Merboys, and Male Merlings are always shirtless and rarely have any kind of accessories, if at all. 
  16. Mermaids, Mergirls, and Female merlings typically have various types of apparel and will wear various accessories. Most of what they wear is scavenged from things they find under the sea.
  17. Merfolk that can take human form tend to have apparel in their human form that allows them to blend in with humans. Merfolk new to the human world tend to be the exception to this.
  18. There are seven necklaces worn by seven mermen. These necklaces have a strong connection to the seven seas and the voices of the mermen that wear them hold a unique power. This power can be passed down to younger generations along with the necklaces.

Deep-Sea Merfolk

  1. None of my Deep-Sea merfolk have a human form without the help of Sea Sorcery. Their mermadic form they are born with is their one and only form. 
    • Their tails are always the tails from the Down Under set by Spinning Plumbob. 
    • Deep-Sea Merfolk are essentially the merfolk that were born in the deep sea, grew up in the deep sea, and typically live their entire lives in the sea. They were never human at any point in their lives. 
    • Deep-Sea Merfolk have shark-like teeth and webbed hands. Their fishy attributes are much more noticeable
    • Their eyes glow blue
  2. If they make a deal with a sea witch, they can exchange their voice, or ability to love, for the power to take a human form. 
  3. Once a deal has been struck, there will be no going back for as long as the sea witch lives or the contract continues to exist. 
  4. Only the Sea Witch that created the contract can dispel the contract after a deal has been made and payment received. 
  5. My Deep-Sea merfolk also get the Child of the Ocean and Clumsy Traits. 
    • The Clumsy Trait causes my merfolk to occasionally stumble which fits very well with a life that is primarily aquatic.
  6. Prolonged use of a human form by any merfolk gives them the Dagger Walker moodlet. Essentially, they feel like every step is like walking on daggers. 
    • This will not result in a forced transformation; it just makes them feel very uncomfortable.
  7. Merfolk that can shapeshift into a human form can get forced back into their natural form if they get wet.
  8. Deep-Sea Merlings typically inherit their Father's Tail Color. 
    • For same sex couples, it's typically the same tail color of the partner that is already in a pod. 
  9. Deep-Sea Merlings are born from song and the expression of love between 2 merfolk.
    • They are always born into the world in the child life stage. I essentially randomly generate them in CAS.
  10. If a Half-Mer has children with a Deep-Sea Mer, their children inherit the Deep-Sea Mer's tail and are subjected to the same shapeshifting limitations all Deep-Sea Merfolk have.
  11. All of my Deep-Sea merfolk have the eternal youth immortality. They do not age past young adult. However, they do not have the same beautiful or handsome attributes their shallow water counter parts have. They are the merfolk that take a more monstrous appearance.
  12. Deep-Sea Merfolk Pods are organized around a central merman or mermaid that leads the larger family group. Patriarchs are more common than Matriarchs, but both family structures exist.
    • Pods with a patriarch have male heirs. Pods with a matriarch have female heirs.
  13. Certain skills like singing and playing most instruments are set to the maximum difficulty for developing those skills. My Deep-Sea merfolk never have max singing skill, but they do have more time than any human sim to perfect other musical skills. 
    • They suffer from uncontrollable harpy screeches. 
  14. Mermen, Merboys, and Male Merlings are always shirtless and rarely have any kind of accessories, if at all. 
  15. Mermaids, Mergirls, and Female merlings typically have various types of apparel and will wear various accessories. Most of what they wear is scavenged from things they find under the sea.
  16. Merfolk that can take human form tend to have apparel in their human form that allows them to blend in with humans. Merfolk new to the human world tend to be the exception to this.


  1. Humans, Aliens, and Elementals turned into merfolk are the only merfolk that can shapeshift into a human form without first going to a sea witch. These are the Half-Merfolk. 
    • Half-Merfolk always have a vanilla tail.
  2. Half-Merlings Born from 2 Half-Merfolk are also Half-Mer and will inherit the tail of the Half-Mer that does not carry them through the pregnancy.
    • Half-Merlings are born as infants and tend to live a life that is significantly more human than their Natural-Born counterparts.
  3. Half-Merfolk will die from old age if they weren’t originally an island elemental.
    • They will age up to being elders and die from old age.
  4. Half-Merfolk don't organize into pods and some Half-Merfolk will further dilute their mermadic attributes until their descendants no longer have any mermadic powers. 
    • Half-Merfolk that have children with a human or alien will have a human or alien child. Some physical features unique to merfolk might remain.
  5. Prolonged use of a human form by any merfolk gives them the Dagger Walker moodlet. Essentially, they feel like every step is like walking on daggers. 
    • This will not result in a forced transformation; it just makes them feel very uncomfortable.
  6. Half-Merfolk do not experience a forced transformation if they get wet.
  7. Certain skills like singing and playing most instruments are set to the maximum difficulty for developing those skills. Half-Merfolk merfolk never have max singing skill.  
    • This includes merlings, or child merfolk. They do not have max singing.
  8. Half-Mermen, Half-Merboys, and Male Half-Merlings tend to wear more apparel and accessories than their Natural-Born counterparts. This is heavily influenced by their life on land.
  9. Half-Mermaids, Half-Mergirls, and Female Half-merlings typically have various types of apparel and will wear various accessories. Most of what they wear has probably been purchased in a human store.
  10. Half-Merfolk tend to blend in with humans easily and have a sense of fashion other merfolk don't have.


  1. Cursed Merfolk are merfolk that failed to uphold their end of a bargain with a sea witch and were transformed into monsters. 
    • Cursed Merfolk always have the same green tails from the Down Under Set by Spinning Plumbob
  2. Their tails are twisted into a new form similar to Deep Sea Merfolk, their skin becomes a sickly green, and barnacles begin to grow on their body. 
  3. Their eyes are clouded and opaque, their hands become webbed, and the shape of their ears are altered.
  4. Their voices are also altered.
  5. Cursed Merfolk can shapeshift into a form similar to kelpies but they can't take a human form. They will have scales from head to fin, and they will not be able to walk like humans.
  6. No matter which form they take, their teeth are sharpened.
  7. Cursed Merfolk can't have children.
  8. Their cursed form does not suffer from many of the weaknesses other merfolk experience on land, but their presence will increase the risk of humans drowning and they may screech uncontrollably. 
  9. These merfolk suffer from bad body odor.
  10. Cursed merfolk can't disobey an order from the sea witch that cursed them.
  11. If a sea witch releases a cursed mer from their contract, they will return to their original form.
    • The Sea Witch that cursed the mer must dispel the contract.
  12. If the sea witch that cursed a mer dies, the cursed mer will be released from their curse and return to their original form.

Kelpies and Cursed-Humans

  1. Kelpies have many different appearances that depend on what part of the ocean they come from.
  2. Shallow-Water Kelpies have brighter scales and Deep-Water Kelpies have darker scales.
  3. Kelpies are among the rarest denizens of the sea and tend to venture on land.
  4. Kelpies have a unique magic that helps them blend in with humans. 
  5. Humans cursed by a Sea Witch take the form of a Kelpie and can use Kelpie Powers.
  6. Like Cursed Merfolk, cursed humans can't have children.
  7. There are rumors that the first Kelpies were originally humans transformed by a sea witch or the children of cursed merfolk.
  8. Because they can blend in the best with humans and have a form that allows them to go on land, Kelpies have a fairly comfortable time living on land among humans.
  9. There are many unknowns regarding the children of Kelpies, but any cursed merfolk that try to have children have kelpie children.
  10. Cursed humans can't disobey an order from the sea witch that cursed them.
  11. If a sea witch releases a cursed human from their contract, they will return to their human form.
    • The Sea Witch that cursed the human must dispel the contract.
  12. If the sea witch that cursed a human dies, the cursed human will be released from their curse and return to their original form.

A Sea Witch’s Book of Spells

Aside from the spells and potions made possible by Spinning Plumbob’s Expanded Mermaids mod, I have taken certain creative liberties with how I handle Sea Sorcery in my story. The following is a list of spells unique to my story using features of this mod. 

Sea Shifter’s Charm

The spell used by sea witches to grant a merman or mermaid a human form for three days. 

  • While under this spell, a merman or mermaid can’t return to their mermadic form until the spell runs its course.
  • If the mer is on land when the spell's effect runs out, their legs will change back into a tail wherever they may be. This can result in merfolk in an extremely dangerous situation stranded on land.
  • Dark Sea Sorcery can make it possible for a merman or mermaid to permanently gain the ability to take a human form as well as allow the mer to return to their mermadic form whenever they want to.
  • For the spell to be permanent, a mer must sacrifice the love in their heart or their voice. For the Reef Merfolk, a Sea Witch might take their youth.
Sea Shifter's Curse
  • If the Sea Shifter's Charm is used by a Dark Sea Witch, the Dark Sea Witch can place the Sea Shifter's Curse on a mer.
  • This Curse makes it impossible for any other Sea Witch to cast any version of the Sea Shifter Charm on that mer again.
  • This Curse is used as a way to secure payment for their services or punish a mer for breaking a deal. It's most effective if a mer has a strong desire to walk on land.

There are different types of merfolk in my story and each variant has a different tail and a different set of abilities and limitations. Despite this, there are no hybrid merfolk.

Mermadic Genetics Rules and Extra Details
  • A series of charts to help identify what kind of mer is born from merfolk couples in my story.
  • As a general rule, merfolk tail color is determined by the father, or whoever doesn’t carry the pregnancy.
  • When Reef Merfolk partner with Deep Sea Merfolk, the Merlings take after the father.
  • For Same-Sex Couples, the merlings take after the Patriarch or Matriarch.
  • Half-Merfolk can get pregnant and experience pregnancy.
  • All other merfolk do not experience pregnancy and merlings are born from the expression of love and song.
  • Alien Merfolk are more influenced by genetics and tail color is influenced by Alien Skin Color.
Chart Key
  • RM = Reef/Reborn Merfolk (Story Unique)
  • DM = Deep Sea Merfolk (Story Unique)
  • HM = Half-Mer (Story Unique)
  • K = Kelpies (Mods)
  • CM = Cursed Merfolk (Mods)
  • H = Human
  • A = Alien
  • AH = Alien Hybrid
  • V = Vampire
  • W = Werewolf
  • F = Fairy (Mods)
  • AHM = Alien Half-Merfolk (Story Unique)
  • ARM = Alien Reef/Reborn Merfolk (Story Unique)
  • ADM = Alien Deep Sea Merfolk (Story Unique)

Each list starts with the type of merfolk that the merling inherits tail color and tail type from. The first spot is always the father, or the mer that would not carry the pregnancy. 

For Example:

Reef/ Reborn Merfolk have the Neverland Tail from Spinning Plumbob
Half-Merfolk have a vanilla tail

RM + HM = RM means that the merling will inherit the Neverland Tail and be considered 100% a Reef Merling.

RM + H = HM means that the merling will be a Half-Mer with a vanilla tail, tail color might be influenced by the parent, but can be random

The charts don't determine genetics, only the type of mer and the tail/ tail color they inherit.

Reef/ Reborn Merling Chart

The Merfolk that spend most of their time close to the surface and seen the most by humans. Myths and Legends are told about these merfolk. While some stories depict merfolk as malevolent creatures, Reef Merfolk have a benevolent nature and do not seek conflict with humans. They still suffer the repercussions of the bad rep created by their Deep-Sea counterparts.

  • RM + RM = RM
  • RM + HM = RM
  • RM + DM = RM
  • RM + H = HM
  • RM + A = AHM
  • RM + V = HM
  • RM + W = HM
  • RM + F = HM
  • RM + K = HM
  • RM + AH = AHM
  • RM + AHM = AHM
Deep-Sea Merling Chart

The Merfolk that dwell in caves and the deep sea. They tend to have the strongest adversity to humans and the surface world. They also have a tendency to not get along with Reef Merfolk. Reef Merfolk have such a strong adversity to humans that they will more often than not cause them harm and blurred the reputation of merfolk as a whole. Deep-Sea Merfolk are malevolent while the Reef Merfolk are Benevolent. Few humans understand or know the difference.

  • DM + DM = DM
  • DM + HM = DM
  • DM + RM = DM
  • DM + H = HM
  • DM + A = AHM
  • DM + V = HM
  • DM + W = HM
  • DM + F = HM
  • DM + K = HM
  • DM + AH = AHM
  • DM + AHM = AHM
  • DM + HM = HM
Cursed-Mer Merling Chart

Those cursed by sea witches and lucky enough to not have their ability to love taken along with their freedom can have children. While their children do not inherit their parent's cursed existence, they are always born as a Kelpie.

  • CM + RM = K
  • CM + HM = K
  • CM + DM = K
  • CM + H = K
  • CM + A = K
  • CM + V = K
  • CM + W = K
  • CM + F = K
  • CM + K = K
  • CM + AH = K
  • CM + AHM = K
  • K + K = K
Humans with Mermadic Origins

While humans with merfolk ancestry exist, there is a greater tendency for these humans to lose all knowledge of merfolk and have their bloodline so diluted that they can no longer take a mermadic form or use mermadic magic. Conversely, multiple generations can result in a stronger mermadic bloodline and a return to a Reef Mer/ Deep-Sea Mer state.

  • H + RM = HM
  • H + HM = H
  • H + DM = HM
  • HM + RM = RM
  • HM + DM = DM
  • HM + A = AHM
  • HM + V = V
  • HM + W = W
  • HM + F = F
  • HM + K = K
  • HM + AH = AHM
  • HM + AHM = AHM
Alien Merfolk

So rare that myths don't even exist, but they are the product of Aliens tampering with mermadic magic they don't understand. Very few Aliens know about merfolk, but the recent increase in Alien Activity in Sulani has resulted in them encountering Merfolk. Aliens can't abduct merfolk that live in the sea.

  • A + RM = AHM
  • A + HM = AHM
  • A + DM = AHM
  • A + AHM = A
  • AHM + RM = AHM
  • AHM + DM = AHM
  • AHM + A = A
  • AHM + V = AH
  • AHM + W = AH
  • AHM + F = AH
  • AHM + K = AH
  • AHM + AH = AHM
  • AHM + AHM = AHM

Mods Credit

Since a lot of this story wouldn't be possible without certain mods, I do want to give the mods I use the credit they deserve. I will update this as quickly as I can to credit the awesome modders that created the mods and poses that make telling this story possible.

Spinning Plumbob Mods

  1. The Expanded Mermaid Mod
  2. "Neverland" Mermaid Tail CC
  3. The "Down Under" Set CC
  4. "Sea-nery Stuff" Build/Buy Set
  5. Occult Preferences Mod