Forum Discussion

caen87's avatar
Rising Newcomer
3 months ago

Exotic pets for The Sims 4?

First of all, I must thank you because according to one interview, you plan to give support and even new content for the Sims 4 also in the future. To tell you the truth, I planned to give up playing TS4 because it gets sometimes repetitive and I don't have time to benefit from all of my content and start to play Planet Zoo instead. But I think that this continuous support is such a nice gesture from you that maybe I can play both games and even buy new content to TS4, if only to show support for you and interesting TS4 content.

However, if I must be happy with only TS4 and not wait for The Sims 5, there is one thing I deeply miss: exotic pets! Truly, even in the Sims 1 there was at least tortoises, but in The Sims 4 we have only rodents: no reptiles (snakes, tortoises, lizards), no birds (I miss deep discussion at night with my pet parrot about wrld peace and nuclear arms ;) ). There is great temptation to play The Sims 3 instead, because its pet expansion pack was like fulfilling all my dreams: not only huge amount of different pets and activities to do with them, but also the possibility to capture animals from nature.


There may be mods to get some exotic pets, but I feel that official packs may be safer and easier to use and give more content.


Please, I ask you: could you make use at least those reptiles and parrots available?  Could you give at least as much as we had before? I know that some people will again comply about greediness, but for me, the bigger problem is the lack of exotic animals. You could reduce critical opinions by keeping price low (Game Pack for 20 EUR or Stuff Pack for 10 EUR) or bringing some truly new content. There could be jobs for pets as in The Sims 3, but there could be also pet rabbits (which live freely in the room like dogs and cats) an mini pigs, competitions for pets, animal shelters to visit or even work in a new active career - maybe even zoos!

I don't have even the slightest interest for the newest expansion  packs like "Life & Death" and "Lovestruck". But if you would publish exotix pet Game Pack/Stuff Pack, I would almost surely buy it. Even if it wouldn't contain anything more than previous The Sims 3 expansion pack, I would be satisfied, but of course it would be wise for you to bring also something new. Just please make sure that it would work properly so technical problems don't hinder plans to get it.

If there won't be The Sims 5, I would also hope that you would truly fix "For rent" expansion pack and "Dine out" Game Pack. There are so bad reviews that I don't have courage to get them because I fear technical problems. But for me, this isn't so important. What I really wish is that I would get those lovely  exotic animals to The Sims 4.

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