Forum Discussion

tressna's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 months ago

CAS and Reaper Rewards Issues

I'm having 2 new issues--I've removed all cc/mods and the issues continue to happen.  1)  I cannot enter CAS from the game.  If I want to change hairstyles, clothing, etc. the screen just sits on loading and never loads CAS--the longest I waited was 20 min, tried several times from mirror, world, clicking on the sim and planning outfit.  Started a new game, same issue.  2)  I'm stuck on the final section of Reaper Rewards.  I visited the bar on Wednesday for Ghost Night more than once--"Ghost Night" was never declared and I could not complete the task.  I also cannot get above a bronze level social event--I am given no options for things to do to raise the quality of the event.  I've tried several types of events.  It does recognize that the event starts, but then it ends with bronze every time--no goals to achieve for the event.

  • UPDATE:   I uninstalled and re-installed the game and both issues were fixed. 

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  • tressna's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    3 months ago

    UPDATE:   I uninstalled and re-installed the game and both issues were fixed.