Computer Crashed After Completing Emit Quests
Sul sul! I was wondering if anyone knew if there was an option to replay the Emit quests? I created a new sim specifically for the event, met Emit, did all the quests, and then my whole PC crashed without saving (this is an issue I have with my pc and not related to the Sims), and I lost everything (except for the challenge rewards - it saved my progress on that). The sim is still in my library but she is completely fresh, no relationships, and not even living on a lot. I guess I'm wondering if there's a way to re-meet him? I've hung out at Magnolia Blossom Park for quite a few in game days and he hasn't shown up at all (not even looking different), and I'm concerned that I will be locked out of the next stage of the event. I do have mods and CC installed, but the crash was related to an issue with my PC not the game.
Thank you for any help!