Forum Discussion

Naynaygray's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
4 days ago

Dine Out Not Working

The Dine Out game still isn't working! The "together option isn't visible, IE Dance together, beachcomb together, Also requesting a table with a group or on a date.  My Sim won't be seated to a table. 

I really miss having my Sims go on dates. 

  • Before you have a Sim request a table, find the action interaction. I believe it's under the Friendly category. Make them a group. This should allow for them to be seated together. I was able to have my five University Teens dine together, just yesterday.  However, Let's Dine Out is still borked.  While I had one Sim order for them, the group were served their beverages, but their pizza never arrived. I ended up having to cheat them full, before I had them pay their tab and go back to their dorm at Britechester-U. If you want a Sim couple to go out and dine, use the new Lovestruck interaction by having one Sim ask the other to create a date. Hope this helps. I, too, really love sending my couples out to dine. Makes for a fun date.

  • Cerity1's avatar
    Rising Newcomer

    Dine Out not working. Sims cannot go out on a date... or even as a group. They can eat separately but that's about it. Can someone please look into this & fix.

    Thank you

    • GalacticGal's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      I beg to differ. Make them a group, first, before you request a table. 


      • GalacticGal's avatar
        Seasoned Ace

        There should be an interaction under Friendly. It's either Activities, or Actions.  From there you can have your active create a Group. Best of luck.

    • K-bobster's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      Yeah, but we all kinda bought Dine Out expecting our sims to you know...dine out. 

  • K-bobster's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I'm also unable to let my sims Dine Out. I click on Request a Table and nothing happens.  My poor sim's celebration dinner I was planning and setting up for  human weeks was utterly ruined. But, they'll probably fix Wedding Stories and Dine Out again pretty soon.

    So, I won't sweat it. I just have to play a different Save until my story can progress.

    • GalacticGal's avatar
      Seasoned Ace

      Do you use mods? If so, remove your Mods folder and see if you have better luck. If not, then do a game repair and see if that helps. I love taking my Sims out to dine and have also had moments where it just utterly failed. When I tried to set up a Date, as in prior to Lovestruck, I had the problem of not being able to request a table. Even Carl's Dine Out Reloaded mod wasn't helping. What I do now is have one of my Sims ask their sweetheart to create a date. Dining out isn't fully functional, as before, but they do get a table. If you take them to a bar, they can get food, at least.