@Elferose , I noticed your first problem as well. 😉
This is just the General Discussion & Feedback section. What you need is the Bug Report section:
The Sims 4 | Forum | Bug Reports | EA Answers HQ
In the Bug Report section there is a thread pinned to the top that has all the compiled bug reports that are being looked into so far. Here is that list:
[READ FIRST] Compiled list of reported Issues - Answer HQ
However, Dream Home Decor is not on that list yet because it is too early... the list for that is still being compiled. When it does finally make it to the list it will be under Game Packs (Click on Game Packs and then click on the title of game pack you want and it will take you to the bug reports on that pack.)
In the meantime, you can look through the first page or two of posts in the main Bug Report page to see if anyone has posted with your problem. If they have not, then you can fill out a Bug Report of your own! Just click the "New Topic" button underneath the banner but above the Top XP Authors section and answer the questions and include any extra descriptions that might help (or pictures if those help explain!) 🙂
However, you will need to make a separate Bug Reports for each of your problems (unless someone has already posted one of them). Never combine issues on a Bug Report.
Also, please note that if you play with Mods or CC, you should test your game without them first to see if it is a conflict with outdated CC/Mods before you fill out a Bug Report. Many people think their problem is a bug but it is often outdated Mods/CC. Also, when you do this be sure to delete the localthumbcache.package file in your game folder (found by going to Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 folder).
The localthumbcache.package file often can hold corrupted data, so anytime you update your Mods/CC you will need to delete the localthumbcache.package file! 🤨
Update: your problem with the gig giving you zero simoleons and failing the gig might have to do with you relying on too much clutter to fulfill your clients likes. This happened to me as well.😅 Thanks to @jpkarlsen for pointing that out to me earlier! 💗
Feel free to update us on your situation!😇
Happy Simming! 🥳