Eco Lifestyle water usage glitch?
Hey guys,
I have been scrambling to read up on the Eco Lifestyle expansion since it came out- I was not prepared for how drastically it would change the game.
My Sims currently only have a 2 bathroom house in the Brindleton Bay Neighborhood, and both bathrooms are equipped with water efficient showers.
The lot also has 4 rain collectors and 2 water generators (which I try to keep fueled up as often as possible)!!
Despite all of that, my household is constantly hemorrhaging water. I have never been in the positive for water consumption, and it only seems to get worse! My household is charged a fee every day for water consumption, and once per season the water to the house is shut off!
When we start messing with my Sim's needs, not letting them shower or flush the toilet on Winterfest.. That's where I draw the line. (LOL)
Is this a glitch?? If someone has figured out exactly HOW MANY rain collectors and water generators I'm going to need for such a MODEST little house, I would be forever grateful!!! It just has to be a glitch, otherwise I'm missing something big from the expansion..
Thank you!!!
@BunnyLynn1228 Just to add to what @jpkarlsen already posted: I have two households in Brindleton Bay that I switch back and forth to playing. Both houses sound similar to yours, they are modest in size with two full bathrooms each. I've done all of the "Water Recycler" upgrades to all of the sinks/showers/toilets in both houses but I haven't yet done any of the "H2O Siphoner" upgrades. For each house I use a single upgraded dew collector and that's it for water collectors (I admit I did go a little crazy with the solar & wind generators!). Here's a snapshot of my utility bill for one of the houses:
This was taken on a regular spring morning with some clouds but no rain. I know on rainy days it looks even better than this. My other BB house has almost identical numbers on its utility bill. So to answer your question about how many dew collectors and water generators should you need, if you do the things that @jpkarlsen recommended in theory you might be able to break even with just one upgraded dew collector.
In addition to completing some upgrades in your bathrooms & your dew collectors, plus making sure that those NAPS aren't killing your water bill, one other thing I can suggest is adding the "Natural Well" lot trait to your lot. Yeah it's almost like cheating but in your case it sounds like maybe a nice temp fix until you can get everything else straightened out. Here's a snapshot of the utility bill for the same house if I add the "Natural Well" lot trait:
So yeah it improves the Rate of Change by almost 30 points! I don't normally use it for this lot but it's nice to know it's there if I need it. I have disabled NPC voting on NAPs in my game options so I get to choose all of the NAPs for this neighborhood ;-D With all the upgrades I did for these two houses I changed the Eco footprint for the entire neighborhood to Green, so that was pretty cool too. Anyhow, good luck with all of this. :D