2 years ago
Food Prefence
My Sims can no longer get the leftovers from the fridge. It just says it does not match their food preference. Any idea how I can find out what they are? Its driving me mad
My sim isn't vegetarian or lactose and won't take leftovers out of the fridge because 'The available leftovers don't match his food preferences'. What do I do?
I get this message occasionally when all the leftovers are gone and there's nothing left except empty dishes. The solution, in this case, is simple. Cook something new and put it in the fridge. It also helps to Clean Out Spoiled Food, which gets rid of the empty dishes.
I have the same problem, except i do not have any spoiled dishes in the fridge. And they do not have any lactose intolerant or vegetarian trait. I will try to cook food and put it in the fridge. See if that helps. If not i will try game repair.