Trying to 'create a child' via genetics in household manager CAS with and without the cheats still renders the same problem. I've only listed the cheats there so that others know that I've tried using the cheats as well. This issue seems to have nothing to do with the use of cheats.
I always go through household manager to edit my families and add their children. This issue is not affecting all of my households, it has only affected 2 couples (2 separate households) in my whole game.
Example (all sims are Adults):
- a Husband lives with his parents. The Wife moves in with Husband and his parents.
- I enter CAS via Household Manager and select the Husband, 'add a sim,' 'play with genetics,' the option to add Wife as parent is unavailable
so, I try
- select the Wife, 'add a sim,' 'play with genetics,' the option to add Husband is unavailable, however, I can select the Mother-In-Law or the Father-In-Law. (this is not helpful as I want the Wife to have children with the Husband, not his parents/her in-laws).
so, I try
- moving couple into their own household so its just Husband and Wife, repeat the steps, and now for either of them the option to select each other is unavailable.
so, I try
- creating a new random sim to add to their household (now 3/8, all sims are Unrelated), both husband and wife can select this random sim to create a child with, but the option to select one another is still unavailable.
I am not using any mods or CC