Forum Discussion

NatalieZurn's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
8 months ago

Lovestruck ruined my game

After Downloading the new expansion pack, my game is unplayable. When you click on build mode, nothing loads and you can’t return to live mode or even quit the game. I’ve tried all the suggestions of getting rid of mods and all of that it still is broken. It’s been days with no updates or even an acknowledgement! Is there a way to make my game work or am I just supposed to wait for ea to fix the disaster? Getting really frustrated that I spent 40 dollars for a broken game.

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  • ehhiepoo's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    8 months ago

    finally! i was looking for someone with the same problems as me. the icons to everything (phone, inventory, needs, etc) are all scrambled and unusable too. i really hope ea fixes this soon :(

  • sarahmbech's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    8 months ago

    I have this same issues. I repaired my game several times, even repaired the EA app. Removed all mods and it still was not working. It has been like this for days now, very frustrating and disappointing. 

  • NatalieZurn sarahmbech ehhiepoo  As a test, please try playing in a clean user folder.  Move the entire Sims 4 folder out of Documents > Electronic Arts and onto your desktop, and when you launch the game, a clean folder will spawn with no content.  (Your saves and other content will be in the folder you've moved but temporarily not read by the game.)  Don't add anything to the new folder yet; just start a new save and see which problems, if any, are still present.

  • Chanise517's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    8 months ago

    I am also having this issue. My game won't save; ill either get the error code or it just won't save unless I make a whole new save file.

    I have moved my entire EA folder to my desktop and I have ran the game without the files, it seems to save properly. How should I reintegrate the original files? What should I be looking for?

    Sorry for the questions, I obviously have no idea what I am doing, just incredibly frustrated. 

  • mztthew's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    8 months ago

    Yeah I'm having the same issue as everyone else when I went on Sims 4 where all the world's are the love struck world was on then when I looked again it had disappeared then it wouldn't go on then later it downloaded it started to crash I didn't have that issue before I bought the add on 


  • Chanise517  Test your mods and custom content first, if you use any.  You can start here with a list of known broken mods, including which ones have been updated:

    Anything not on that list, you'll need to test yourself.  If the number of mods is large, the 50/50 method can make the process much more efficient.

    Once you've done that, I'd suggest testing one save that you know was previously affected.  If you still notice any problems, stop here and describe them.

    Otherwise, move over the rest of the saves, plus the contents of Tray (saved households and builds), plus Screenshots and Recorded Videos if you care about those, and the UserSetting.ini file for the login rewards.  The rest can be discarded.

    mztthew  Please test without any mods or custom content, as in, move the Mods folder to the desktop and delete localthumbcache.package.  You don't need to save your progress; this is just for testing.  If that doesn't help, try the clean folder as described earlier in this thread.

  • ehhiepoo's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    8 months ago

    I just tried this method and it works, but does this mean I have to wait for my mods to be compatible with this pack/new update then? Thank you for your recommendation btw!

  • ehhiepoo  Yes, you'll need to wait for your mods to be updated, at least the ones that are broken.  (And a lot of them broke with the patch and expansion.)  If you need instructions for sorting and testing your mods, please see my previous post above.

  • 3ldvgim12v5w's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    7 months ago

    still experiencing this problem personally, can’t even exit the game on my Xbox, why can’t they test the packs before they come out 😭

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