Re: Translation of the name of the districts in different languages.
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? Dansk
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? The (most) relevant here is C&D, but I also have CL, Seasons, DU, Parenthood, JA, RoM, Laundry Day, My First Pet, Moschino, and Tiny Living.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Set the game in Danish.
What happens when the bug occurs? The major inconsistencies when it comes to the neighbourhood/lot names, of which Brindleton Bay is the worst offender, are always there. See additional info below/attached file for details.
What do you expect to see? All the worlds' names are in English, but since some/most of the neighbourhoods names are in Danish, I expect all of them to be in Danish. And with the exception of most lots in Brindleton Bay, all the lot names are also in Danish, so I'd expect all of them to be. See below for details.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? NeutraHérmesot Sure
With the exception of Brindleton Bay (more on that world later), all the lot names are in Danish.
With the exception of Brindleton Bay (again, more later), the three base game worlds, and Gibbs Hill in Britechester, all the neighbourhood names are in Danish.
Brindleton Bay's neighbourhood names are all in Danish, except for Cavalier Cove. However, every single lot name is in English, with the exception of the Hecking house (Det er et godt hus), and the empty lot in the same neighbourhood (Sportsbygningen). Besides those, Domus Familiaris is Latin, and Chateau Frise is French, so I don't know if those should be translated? But all the other lots are in English.
The supplemental buildings in one's own gallery that Maxis have built for C&D all have Danish names as well.
I'm 99% sure that the naming in Brindleton Bay has been wonky since the beginning, just like the base game neighbourhood names also have been in English ever since they were added in patch 95.
TL;DR: The base game worlds' neighbourhood names are all in English, but all their lot names are in Danish.
San Myshuno, Glimmerbrook, and Selvadora have all neighbourhood and lot names in Danish. Britechester is also in all Danish, with the exception of the neighbourhood name Gibbs Hills.
Brindleton Bay is a mess of Danish and English names.
PS: Not super related, but some of the townies names are also weird. Miko Ojo (CL) is translated to Miko Øje (i.e. Eye). And while the Landgraabs and the Goth families have their family names translated to Danish, that is not the case for the Calientes or Lothario, who both had different names in Sims 2 & 3. Furthermore, the ghost dog in Brindleton Bay is translated (Captain Whitaker = Hvidberg), but not the mayor (Mayor Whiskers).