University Degrees STILL are Useless
It has been YEARS since this expansion has been released. Yet STILL there are bugs with this pack, as are in all packs. But right when I was enjoying playing again, after graduating my Sim has the rewarded University trait for Art History Distinguished degree and unlocked the milestone for graduating university. However, when my Sim tries to select the option to join a new Career the branch of "Patron of the Arts" NEVER Pops up. My Sim went to their graduation, their career isn't stuck on this "12 of 12 credits" career: she has no career anymore. I have reset, repaired and removed mods from my game but the issue remains the same. My sim has the portrait of graduation, the degree and the degree trait. However no career bonuses/Higher level career options avaliable! I have opened both the phone and the computer multiple times and nothing. I have read many forms but I haven't seen one with my issue which is why I am pleading for some help with this bug. I have spent hours on this save file, and as useless or silly university degrees in the Sims 4 are: I really wanted my Sim's (and the time I spent on them) to be rewarded. Is there a way to fix this? Or should I scrap the hours I've spent on this save file... :'). Thanks, if you can help. If this issue can't be fixed, that's alright to -- just thanks for reading about my issue. x
When did you try to give the sim their job? That does make a difference.
You have to wait until after 6 PM on graduation day and after the diploma shows up in the sim's inventory to get the high-level job that your university degree entitles you to receive and for the milestone to complete. If you try to do it before, it won't work. You won't get a high-level job nor complete the milestone. The key thing is having the diploma. If no diploma, it's too early to try to get a job. It's an easy mistake to make, I've done it back when DU was new.
So, are you waiting until after your sim has the diploma in their inventory to get them a job via the career panel? If not, then that's the problem. You have to wait until 6 PM on graduation day and the diploma appears in the sim's inventory. It's not game breaking though if you didn't. Just have the sim quit the job you got them and go back to the career panel and look again after the diploma appears at 6 PM on graduation day.
If you are not getting the diploma at that time, then I suggest a game repair. And if you are using any mods, I suggest you test without mods to make sure it's not a mod causing things to go haywire for you.Hope this helps.