Forum Discussion

natalka_simici's avatar
New Novice
4 hours ago

Updated and does not work

This morning I played TS and the game worked perfectly. In the afernoon I updated the game and the build mode does not work. If I click on the build mode there is no cathegories of "building a house or furniture". Also I noticed if I have a household of let's say 4 sims and I want to change the sim I am playing with the plumbob changes, but not the list of friends, needs, etc. Next thing I noticed is that when you actually play and you are switching the sims you can see that they are in some kind of square (when switching - the sim in the middle with black hair). And in cas it is similar. I have to click on the sim two times to change from one sim to another. 

Does anyone have the same problem? I tried to repair the game, but it didn't worked. Could it be wrongly updated? 


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