Vets and Townies not showing up on Vet Clinic Lots
Is anyone else having this issue? Up until today any time I’ve gone to a vet lot it’s worked fine but then today as I was playing I had to take my dog to the vet and when I got there the lot was completely empty, I signed in at the check-in podium and decided to wait a little bit incase maybe it was just a glitch and the vets hadn’t spawned in yet but I waited for 2 whole sim days and no one else showed up on the lot, not even other townies. In this particular save I only have the one active household made up of one human sim, a dog and 4 horses and my sim does not own the Vet so there should always be npc Vets on the lot to treat the sick animals coming in but there is no one there. I do have some smaller mods and cc but they’re mostly for CAS and none that would be the cause of this.