Forum Discussion

Joanne_Snow's avatar
Rising Traveler
7 years ago

Rate your current enjoyment of TS4

Sooo, I was just wondering about this.

For all it used to lack, I'm kinda glad I stuck with TS4, because now that there's toddlers, a city with apartments, family play, pets, vampires (and probably witches soon, like within the next half year or so? #wishfulthinkingtime ;)), restaurants, spas, vacation destinations, SEASONS and different climates and all that, I honestly really like TS4. I always have a lot of fun playing it. So, personally, considering the amount of time I've played it in just these last two years, and how much enjoyment I got out of that, I guess it would rate it a solid 8.

So, what's your rating?
  • I still miss having good reaction AI and memories like in Sims 2 (and Sims 3), and I missed the free babies who can be carried around everywhere (like in Sims 3 and some of Sims 2)...

    Those chained crib-babies, inconsistent reaction AI, some of the limitations, and some bugs are what keeps the score down.

    I am loving everything else about the game so far, though.
  • I give it 8 because of the lack of open world. I like open world a lot in Sims 3.
    I'm also looking forward to play University pack for Sims 4.
  • It's a great game overall but there's still room for more improvement, and also like a lot of people I would like some of the ts3 expansions packs being brought to life in the ts4.
  • I gave it a 6-7. A bit better than "Meh", though. I must qualify that by stating that I use a few mods, notably MC Command Centre- because personally, if I were to play it "vanilla", lack of any story progression, etc.. I'd have shelved this game after a few months. As it is I am a casual player. No more than 2 or 3 hours a week. Then again I'm not much for sitting indoors at a computer when there are many things I do outdoors. But that's only how i feel.
  • I was really into this when I was a teenager. I guess I have high standards.