Forum Discussion

Onverser's avatar
5 years ago

Toddler Stuff has no toddler beds, potties, high chairs, etc?

Edit: Yes, this post is dramatic and so was the original title, obviously the pack has some items for toddlers. My issue is simply that in my opinion a pack titled toddler stuff should include new variations of toddler beds, potties and high chairs and this post is just me voicing my disappointment that those items weren't included. Thats it, nothing more to it.

This pack has confused me since it came out, for a pack centered around toddlers, you'd expect to see the standard toddler essentials. New toddler beds, new toddler potties, new high chairs, yknow the typical toddler stuff that you use all the time when playing with toddlers. Instead, none of these items are included in the pack and instead you get weird random rainbow park items.

The main feature of the pack is a giant tunnel thing which is not very unusable unless you have a lot designed specifically for it, then theres the ball pool which was a decent item but some questionable design choices were made. Some of the clothes are cute, but honestly I don't really see them as an upgrade on what we already have and I forget they're there most the time.
I just feel like you have to go out of your way to make a rainbow park for any of this stuff to be usable. The extent of the actual usable items for toddlers in this pack is one slide and that's it. (the cushions and fairy lights are cute aswell, but they're not really "toddler stuff")

Don't get me wrong the rainbow park stuff is pretty but I just don't get it, since the pack is focused entirely on play date stuff the title should be "Play Date Stuff" instead as for me I would expect a pack called "Toddler Stuff" to include the items I mentioned.
Again, this is just my opinion on the pack. I was disappointed when I purchased the pack and found that it didn't bring any new beds and high chairs which are what I expected it to include from the title.