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- General UI issues – known causes of issues happening in many places after a game update include mods that edit the entire UI, such as mods by vyxated, and mods changing the game font; remove these until there's an updated version
- In Live mode: icons at bottom right blank/distorted like below – known cause: outdated version of UI Cheats Extension
- UI Issues: Sim profile broken – causes include AD(H)D Trait (FiendMods) - delete this mod
- Main Menu and the Gallery showing “wwwwwwwwww” instead of text – causes include outdated Color Sliders (thepancake1 and MizoreYukii), 15 Clubs Per Sim (King Zace), UI Cheats Extension (weerbesu), Better BuildBuy (TwistedMexi), More Columns in CAS (weerbesu), CC wrench icon mods
- World map has overlying text – causes include UI Cheats Extension (weerbesu), Better BuildBuy (TwistedMexi)
- In Live mode: Icons at top right like below, after 1.105 – known causes include outdated Better BuildBuy - update this
- In Live mode, top and bottom right: known causes include outdated mods changing UI color - update these
- Live mode icons, top left as below or similar: Known cause: outdated version of UI Cheats Extension (weerbesu)
- World missing in World selection: For Rent – common causes include outdated All Worlds Are Residential (Zerbu), World reorganization mods
- Cooking menus empty. Known causes: Outdated versions (after Oct 1, 2024) of Color Sliders, thpancake1 and MizoreYukii's Minimalist Main Menu, 15 Clubs Per Sim, and meat-ice-creammm’s gender-neutral cas menu icons. Update these mods.
- Aliens missing heads – caused by outdated CAS mods, especially no-eyelash mods
- Distorted/broken faces – generally caused by outdated eyelash-related CC, outdated presets (especially for Toddlers), conflicting default replacement CC (multiple for same body part), Reshade MXAO shader. Note: you might need to also edit the Sim in CAS with a Maxis face preset.
- Faceless Sims – caused by outdated CAS (update or find alternatives), or by Sims 4 Studio batch fixes run on default replacement CAS (redownload CC)
- Blonde streaks in CC hair
- Red and white Sims on a Mac
- Shiny Sims with texture overlay
- Stretching/disappearing limbs and similar Live mode glitches – causes include outdated height sliders; look for updates or alternatives
- After 8 August 2024 patch, alpha CC eyelashes don't fit properly on eyes
- Can't access personal inventory – causes include TwistedMexi's Always Free Build - remove for Live mode play; this mod is intended for players who only build
- Can’t click on Sims
- often caused by mods not being fully installed (files missing, etc.) - check the creator's installation instructions.
- Can also be caused by having old and new versions of a mod in your Mods folder; make sure to delete old files when you update.
- Can be caused by your game not being updated before you updated mods, or a game update not having been complete; check for a game patch or run a Game Repair
- Can't Create Jewelry at Crystal Creations Gemology Table
- For Rent Residential Rental lot functionality broken – known causes include Twisted Mexi's All Scenarios, which is not compatible with RR lots (and which is currently broken); SimRealist's SNB Bills, which prevents rent payment
- Calendar Events broken – known causes include TwistedMexi's TOOL Mod, which you can remove when you're not in Build/Buy mode.
- Icons broken except in DX9 mode – many mods' custom icons need updating for DirectX 11; if these are icons you need to see for functionality, switch back to DirectX 9, update your mods, and/or try a Sims 4 Studio batch fix
- ims wear inappropriate clothes when nude – causes include wrongly tagged CC (fix in Sims 4 Studio), and the problem can persist if a Copy Outfit mod was used, even after CC is removed. FIXES: reset the nude outfit using MC Command Center's Dresser module or Other Mods - Reset Bathing Outfit by LittleMsSam.
- Aspiration has only last stage available – This is the intended behaviour of the mod Lifetime Aspirations by k-ye (broken) or NC4T.
- Cooking missing categories or ingredient options – causes include outdated cookbook/recipe mods, or those not yet updated for the new categories introduced in fall 2023
- Cooking UI is empty – causes include outdated Color Sliders (thepancake1 and MizoreYukii), 15 Clubs Per Sim (King Zace)
- Counters, doors, and possibly other furniture missing – causes include outdated 18+/adult mods; check with the creator for updates
- Food stall and Festival vendors sell only produce – causes include outdated custom food stalls, outdated playable NPC career mod. NOTE: Althought this is an old issue and you're unlikely to currently have outdated custom food stalls, if you do get this error, delete the stalls before saving; outdated custom food stalls have been known to cause save corruption.
- Horses can’t be interacted with – causes include PlantSim Inheritance v1-A (LowMotivesWarning/GOOD_BOYgoneBAD), Be a Little Serious (Onebeld) - delete these
- Horses can’t be ridden – causes include outdated mods for belly size, pregnancy walks - updates available for most
- Horses missing in relationship panel – causes include No More Relationship Culling (Neia) -; replace with alternatives or let the game manage the relationship culling for game performance.
- Infant crib missing option to upgrade crib mobile
- Infant gameplay fails – causes include Fixed Nyx’s Enhanced Aliens (LowMotivesWarning/GOOD_BOYgoneBAD), Children can live alone after all elders died (toprapidity) - delete these
- Infants have Occult eyes
- Infants missing option to put in back carrier
- Infants stretching
- Non-Werewolfs have Werewolf idles [adult mod related]
- Objects are invisible – causes included outdated CC, e.g. Aladdin Fabio Hair
- Sims can’t shave – causes include Faster Mirror Interactions (Mercury Disaster) - remove this mod
- Sims won’t eat – causes include outdated CC, outdated phone mods - use the 50-50 method to identify the cause
- UI issues: no Sims panels at all
Sims disappear in live mode. Known cause: Outdated occult hybrid mods after patch 1.109. Go get an updated version and read the installation instructions for changes.
- In Live mode – mod-related causes include having too much CC in the Mods folder, having over 250 script mods, duplicate mods, outdated/broken mods including staff auto-spawning mods by SimplifiedModding. Do a full vanilla test to rule out mods as your cause. Get support for general game lag in Game Issues .
- Catalog categories show all items
- Blank icons and glitching – causes include outdated Better BuildBuy (TwistedMexi), UI Cheats Extension (weerbesu)
- Can't find CC (etc.) in Build/Buy – if you use Better Build/Buy (TwistedMexi, make sure that you have enabled it properly. Check the creator's instructions.
- [For Rent] Can’t assign rooms to different units
- Household inventory not available – current known causes include MC Command Center: turn off the Auto Free Build option in the mod.
- Search bar crashes in Build/Buy mode – caused by broken CC, including some by kia_dabarbie and SovaSima
- Build mode empty catalog – known causes: outdated versions of TwistedMexi’s More Rentals mod and Color Sliders by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii
- Can’t exit CAS – common causes include outdated Color Sliders (thepancake1 and MizoreYukii), 15 Clubs Per Sim (King Zace)
- Color options missing or not changing – cause: outdated More Columns in CAS (weerbesu)
- Blank icons and glitching – common causes include outdated Color Sliders (thepancake1 and MizoreYukii), 15 Clubs Per Sim (King Zace), More Columns in CAS (weerbesu), CC wrench icon mods; game updates can also cause this because of aspiration, like/dislike (preference), and trait mods
- Entire UI disappears
- No X to remove item
- Crashing in CAS – can be caused by outdated mods/CCincluding skeleton earrings by barbieaiden; incorrect Gshade/Reshade isntallation
- CAS fails to load after patch 1.108
- UI for sexuality etc. becomes a single list without romantic boundary options after patch 1.108
- Sim names change to be the same in CAS after patch 1.108
Gallery and Gallery Download Issues
- Gallery doesn’t load – causes include outdated Color Sliders (thepancake1 and MizoreYukii), 15 Clubs Per Sim (King Zace)
- Downloaded Household is missing members – known causes include outdated Slice of Life by KawaiiStacie, outdated/broken adult mods
- Downloaded lot size 999x999 – known causes include the lot having had a custom venue type for a mod you don’t have
Issues That Seem Mod/CC Related but Aren’t
This is a small selection of issues that tend to come to Mod/CC Issues but are actually game bugs or technical issues. Some of these can be caused by mods; please test first by dragging your Mods folder to your desktop, deleting the file called localthumbcache, and checking in your save again. Some mod-caused issues will need to you to do something else to clear the effects — edit a Sim in CAS (for some CC issues), a "Save As", to switch households and back, or something similar. Some can corrupt a save but a new save will be fine.
Updated December 10, 2024
- Bottoms of buildings missing after bulldozing
- Codes or blank bubbles instead of text without mods
- Doors visible with walls down
- Game Data Incomplete, grey llamas, red and white sims, broken textures on a Mac, without Mods
- High School prom doesn’t happen without mods
- Lagging in Live mode without mods – causes include too many unhoused Sims suddenly generated, social features turned on in Options, lots with too many interactable items for your computer specs, syncing software running during gameplay, large Tray/Screenshots/Saves folders. If none of these apply (test in a new save!), see this FPS-related topic or this topic
- LEs: posture errors – typically results from Sims having a tough time negotiating their way around objects
- Loading issue: lots or Worlds fail to load without mods (note: this also assumes you also couldn't get into the lot/world with mods and that you didn't remove mods/CC just before the problem started; if your problem started by mod removal, head back up to mod issues!) – [MASTER THREAD] Crashing and Endless Loading
- Lot type stuck on Residential Rental
- Trait slots are missing in CAS.
Still not seeing your issue listed?
It might just not have a major topic that’s been recently active! Please feel free to search for a recent topic or post a new one.
- luthienrising2 years agoHero+
Updated Feb. 27, 2024, for emergent and resolved issues, patch 1.105.
- luthienrising2 years agoHero+
Updated Mar. 1, 2024, to add the tunable_perf error many mods cause after 1.105, plus two new issues that aren't mod-related but feel like they are.
- luthienrising2 years agoHero+
Updated Mar. 1, 2024, to add mods breaking the Gemology table.
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