7 years ago
The Sims 4 CC *Custom Content Creation Documentation* :P
Alright guys, I'm not sure where to put this in terms of custom content.
But is it worth it getting a vip account on TSR?
Also is there any cc creation resources I can find out more about. Would love to become more apart of the sims community. I've been with the sims since part 1 and have only created minor (and trash) cc for Sims 2. I want to learn how to make it for Sims 4 in my free time.
Thanks, if the thread needs to be moved feel free to move it
I want to share all the resources I come across so other people who are interested in making CC especially on a MBP can do so. I'm sure I can help with any PC problems as well. This is my first time trying to utilize s4s for Sims 4, so I hope everyone learns from my struggle.
Useful Links:
.DDS FILE EXTENSION FOR MAC USERS (plug in for photoshop cs6 and up)
Custom Content Lipstick Creation by Carmen King