Forum Discussion

PlyPlay665's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
20 days ago

[Resolved] Game Renews on Each Start (Xbox One)

I just installed the Sims 4 on my new (for me) Xbox One. However, every time I run the game, it acts like I'm opening the game for the first time (has me accept the terms, adjust screen, tutorials are reset). My save game remains, however. Any idea what's going on?

Update: The issue resolved itself. I believe it may have been a result of my saving and existing to the main menu before closing the game once.

  • pacer1965's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer

    I'm not on Xbox but I had that trouble when I changed from Playstation 4 to Playstation 4 pro a few years a go.It did stop doing it after a while.I'm not really sure why it happens. Hopefully it will be alright for you too

    • PlyPlay665's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      Thank you! If this ends up happening, I will come back and update the thread. Otherwise I hope there is a fix for it!