Forum Discussion
I need help moving ALL Sims4 files to my external.
I am on a MacBook Pro with M1 chip. I run Sims4 from the EA App.
When I installed files, I installed to: Volumes/External/Programs
I moved files using,
mv ~/Documents/Electronic\ Arts /Volumes/EXTERNAL/
I then created a Hyper/Symbolic link ,
ln -s /Volumes/EXRERNAL/Electronic\ Arts ~/Documents/
When I try to start the game I get error,
Unable to start:
The Sims™ 4 is already running.
- Bluebellflora5 months agoHero+
What are you trying to do, move the game installation to the external drive or move the Electronic Arts folder containing the Sims 4 folder containing your user data such as saves etc. to the external drive? Because these are two very different things.
If you are trying to store the Electronic Arts folder on an external drive and create a symlink to it please read the opening post on page 1 of this thread.
When I installed files, I installed to: Volumes/External/Programs
I moved files using,
mv ~/Documents/Electronic\ Arts /Volumes/EXTERNAL/
Your command does not point to the Programs folder on the External hard drive, it points directly to the External drive.
I then created a Hyper/Symbolic link ,
ln -s /Volumes/EXRERNAL/Electronic\ Arts ~/Documents/
I have no idea what a "Hyper" link is in this context, please can you explain?
Did you rename your external drive to "EXRERNAL"? Or did you misspell it in the command?
The "already running" error is covered in the opening post on page one of this thread.
- 5 months ago
Yes, I missed typed. It's EXTERNAl.
Sorry, I added the program file just before last terminal command. That was fixed. I pulled the file and directory to terminal so I didn't have to worry about typos
In my case, I wanted a hyper to point to Sims files on my external and play Sims from my external. Basically App won't know the external files aren't in the place the hyper link is. I ran out of space on my MacBook after new update. I have already bought the Life and Death expansion pack. This game is getting so huge, I am thinking people will stop adding packs because of lack of room, especially one playing on a Mac. EA needs to make this a few click process.
I tried the instructions above, didn't work.
Here is how I fixed it.
I ended up deleting all game files and EA app. I then installed the EA app to my external, then reinstalling Sims again to my external, then creating the hyper link. So that when I first ran Sims it wouldn't create new game files to default directory. Instead they were created on my external. I might have to do the same thing with CurseForge, It can't find game files even when I manually add game directory on my external.- Bluebellflora5 months agoHero+@MLROBARDS
Ok. But to correct you because others may be misled by your description, you have not created a “hyper” link. You create a symbolic link (symlink) in the Documents > Electronic Arts folder to the Electronic Arts folder you move to the external drive. And you do not create a symbolic link to store the game installation in the external drive, this is changed easily in EA App > Settings > Downloads.
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