Forum Discussion
I can confirm windowed mode makes the crashes even worse and more frequent. In windowed mode, the game locks and freezes immediately upon attempting to do... basically anything.
so, once my computer finishes crashing again I will not be using windowed mode.
New system error report upon crashing, this time from windowed mode:
panic(cpu 4 caller 0xffffff7f93fa1ad5): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from in 120 seconds
service:, total successful checkins since load (1190 seconds ago): 120, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service:, total successful checkins since load (1160 seconds ago): 104, last successful checkin: 120 seconds ago
Backtrace (CPU 4), Frame : Return Address
0xffffffa3e2a6b720 : 0xffffff801351a65d
0xffffffa3e2a6b770 : 0xffffff8013654a75
0xffffffa3e2a6b7b0 : 0xffffff80136465fe
0xffffffa3e2a6b800 : 0xffffff80134c0a40
0xffffffa3e2a6b820 : 0xffffff8013519d27
0xffffffa3e2a6b920 : 0xffffff801351a117
0xffffffa3e2a6b970 : 0xffffff8013cc1b28
0xffffffa3e2a6b9e0 : 0xffffff7f93fa1ad5
0xffffffa3e2a6b9f0 : 0xffffff7f93fa17fa
0xffffffa3e2a6ba10 : 0xffffff8013c539ce
0xffffffa3e2a6ba60 : 0xffffff7f93fa0cfe
0xffffffa3e2a6bb60 : 0xffffff8013c5cbf3
0xffffffa3e2a6bca0 : 0xffffff80136035e2
0xffffffa3e2a6bdb0 : 0xffffff80135203c8
0xffffffa3e2a6be10 : 0xffffff80134f6d15
0xffffffa3e2a6be70 : 0xffffff801350db22
0xffffffa3e2a6bf00 : 0xffffff801362c065
0xffffffa3e2a6bfa0 : 0xffffff80134c1226
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[832CC890-EE61-33E0-8FD4-8D354BCD0921]@0xffffff7f93fa0000->0xffffff7f93fa8fff
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: watchdogd
Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Thu Jun 18 20:49:00 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: 1D3A0F3D-D908-397B-BD16-8F48C0823A2E
Kernel slide: 0x0000000013200000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff8013400000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff8013300000
System model name: iMacPro1,1 (Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94)
System shutdown begun: NO
System uptime in nanoseconds: 1200676966917
last loaded kext at 20339732993: >!AHIDKeyboard 209 (addr 0xffffff7f95ce3000, size 45056)
last unloaded kext at 514381638341: >usb.!UHostPacketFilter 1.0 (addr 0xffffff7f95df3000, size 24576)
loaded kexts:
>!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver 3430.1
>!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8
@kext.AMDFramebuffer 3.1.0
@kext.AMDRadeonX5000 3.1.0
@kext.AMDRadeonServiceManager 3.1.0
>!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 5.2.6
@fileutil 20.036.15
@AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 5.2.6
>!AHV 1
|IOUserEthernet 1.0.1
|IO!BSerialManager 7.0.6f7
>AGPM 111.4.4
>!APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0
>X86PlatformShim 1.0.0
>pmtelemetry 1
@Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0
@kext.AMD10000!C 3.1.0
>BridgeAudioCommunication 6.70.7
>!AThunderboltIP 3.1.4
>!AHIDALSService 1
>!AGFXHDA 100.1.429
>!ABridgeAudio!C 6.70.7
>!A!IPCHPMC 2.0.1
>!AAVEBridge 6.1
>!A!IMCEReporter 115
>!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking 4.0.0
>!AMCCSControl 1.14
@filesystems.autofs 3.0
>!UCardReader 489.120.1
>BCMWLANFirmware4355.Hashstore 1
>BCMWLANFirmware4364.Hashstore 1
>BCMWLANFirmware4377.Hashstore 1
@filesystems.apfs 1412.141.1
@filesystems.hfs.kext 522.100.5
@BootCache 40
>!ABCMWLANBusInterfacePCIe 1
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1
@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0
>!AVirtIO 1.0
@private.KextAudit 1.0
>!AACPIButtons 6.1
>!AAPIC 1.7
$!AImage4 1
@nke.applicationfirewall 303
$TMSafetyNet 8
@!ASystemPolicy 2.0.0
|EndpointSecurity 1
>!AHIDKeyboard 209
>!AActuatorDriver 3440.1
>!AMultitouchDriver 3440.1
>!AInputDeviceSupport 3440.8
>!AHS!BDriver 3430.1
>IO!BHIDDriver 7.0.6f7
@kext.AMDRadeonX5100HWLibs 1.0
|IOAccelerator!F2 438.7.3
@kext.AMDRadeonX5000HWServices 3.1.0
|IOAVB!F 850.1
@!AGPUWrangler 5.2.6
|IONDRVSupport 576.1
|IO!BHost!CUARTTransport 7.0.6f7
|IO!BHost!CTransport 7.0.6f7
>!A!ILpssUARTv1 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssUARTCommon 3.0.60
>!AOnboardSerial 1.0
@kext.AMDSupport 3.1.0
@!AGraphicsDeviceControl 5.2.6
>!AGraphicsControl 5.2.6
>X86PlatformPlugin 1.0.0
>IOPlatformPlugin!F 6.0.0d8
|IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F 1.0.0
>!ASMBus!C 1.0.18d1
|IOGraphics!F 576.1
@plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 840.3
|IOEthernetAVB!C 1.1.0
@kext.triggers 1.0
>usb.cdc.ncm 5.0.0
>usb.cdc 5.0.0
>usb.networking 5.0.0
>usb.!UHostCompositeDevice 1.2
>usb.!UVHCIBCE 1.2
>usb.!UVHCI 1.2
>usb.!UVHCICommonBCE 1.0
>usb.!UVHCICommon 1.0
>!AEffaceableNOR 1.0
|IONVMe!F 2.1.0
|IOBufferCopy!C 1.1.0
|IOBufferCopyEngine!F 1
>!ABCMWLANCore 1.0.0
>IOImageLoader 1.0.0
|IO80211!FV2 1200.12.2b1
>corecapture 1.0.4
|IOSkywalk!F 1
|IOSurface 269.11
@filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext 1
|IOAudio!F 300.2
@vecLib.kext 1.2.0
|IOSerial!F 11
>!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter 2.5.4
>!AThunderboltDPInAdapter 6.2.6
>!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F 6.2.6
>!AHPM 3.4.4
>!A!ILpssI2C!C 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssDmac 3.0.60
>!A!ILpssI2C 3.0.60
>!AThunderboltNHI 5.8.6
|IOThunderbolt!F 7.6.1
>!AEthernetAquantiaAqtion 1.0.64
>mDNSOffloadUserClient 1.0.1b8
|IOUSB!F 900.4.2
>usb.!UXHCIPCI 1.2
>usb.!UXHCI 1.2
>!AEFIRuntime 2.1
|IOSMBus!F 1.1
|IOHID!F 2.0.0
$quarantine 4
$sandbox 300.0
@kext.!AMatch 1.0.0d1
>!AKeyStore 2
>!UTDM 489.120.1
|IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 422.120.3
>!ACredentialManager 1.0
>!AFDEKeyStore 28.30
>!AEffaceable!S 1.0
>!AMobileFileIntegrity 1.0.5
@kext.CoreTrust 1
|CoreAnalytics!F 1
|IOTimeSync!F 840.3
|IONetworking!F 3.4
>DiskImages 493.0.0
|IO!B!F 7.0.6f7
|IO!BPacketLogger 7.0.6f7
>!ASSE 1.0
>KernelRelayHost 1
>!ASEPManager 1.0.1
>IOSlaveProcessor 1
|IOUSBMass!SDriver 157.140.1
|IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F 422.120.3
|IO!S!F 2.1
|IOUSBHost!F 1.2
>usb.!UCommon 1.0
>!UHostMergeProperties 1.2
>!ABusPower!C 1.0
|IOReport!F 47
>!AACPIPlatform 6.1
>!ASMC 3.1.9
>watchdog 1
|IOPCI!F 2.9
@kec.pthread 1
@kec.corecrypto 1.0
@kec.Libm 1
About The Sims 4 Technical Issues - Mac
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