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funnysimmer13's avatar
2 months ago

[CURRENT ISSUE] Game screen glitches when I load into other lots. NVIDIA GPU

Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number? Idk
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Most of everything but no kits.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Going to a community lot
What happens when the bug occurs? The screen glitches different colors.
What do you expect to see? Not a rave light show on my computer
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. This only started happening after the latest update

When I load onto other lots outside of my household the screen glitches different colors and weird streaks. This only happened after the last patch update.


Edit - edited title to reflect status (Bluebellflora)

  • BeeInkognito's avatar
    26 days ago

    - Marking as solution for potential workaround -

    Hi hanna245rose 

    I saw that you have a similar system to mine. While we don’t have the exact same Setup, it would be great if you could test a workaround that worked for my system.

    Step-by-Step if you are interested: 

    Locate Options.ini

    • Go to: Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4
    • Find the file named Options.ini

    Edit the file

    • Open Options.ini using Mac’s Notes app or a simple text editor.

    Change the following values:

    • Find frameratelimit = 200 → Change it to frameratelimit = 30
    • Find advancedrendering = 1 → Change it to advancedrendering = 0

    Save the file and restart The Sims 4 to apply changes.

    If it doesn‘t work - Resetting the file:
    If this change does not help or causes issues, you can simply delete the Options.ini file.

    • The game will automatically generate a fresh Options.ini with default settings when restarted.

    Since changing this values, I’ve been able to play normally again. 

    However, this is not a perfect fix

    The game runs fine, but I did notice very minor visual oddities in specific cases:

    • When enlarging a rug, there was a small visual glitch. (Nothing gamebreaking, just annoying)
    • When rotating the camera towards the sky, I briefly saw some cloud sections load in chunks.

    It’s nothing game-breaking, and the game remains fully playable for me — just something to be aware of. 

    If it works, it will only be a temporary solution until EA provides an official fix. With updates, these settings will most likely reset to their default values.

    Additional Question: Before making any changes, did you notice your iMac running hotter than usual while playing, with increased fan activity? It would be interesting to see if this is a common factor!

    Edit: Just to clarify—this is based on my own testing and personal experience. I’m not an expert, just trying to find a temporary workaround until EA provides an official fix. If you try these settings, I’d love to hear your results, but of course, I can’t guarantee they will work for everyone.

    Just wanted to share some additional info:

    My In-Game Graphics Settings (Currently testing if I can increase some settings—performance may vary depending on the Mac model.)

    ☺️ hope this helps! 🙏

    Edit - marked as solution for temporary workaround (Bluebellflora)

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