6 years agoHero+
[POSSIBLE BUG] UI glitches and greyed out menus after April patch
Since the 16 April patch some Mac users have reported glitchy and pixelated menus, notification walls, pack logos, greyed out menus and general UI weirdness. This is normally as a result of an outdat...
- 6 years ago
Hi everyone, I have been having this issue too, however, I might have found when it is triggered, so I'm leaving it here just in case it wasn't mentioned.
I have made several tests, it appears that the glitch occurs only when I skip the EA, MAXIS ans Sims 4 logos by clicking on the screen, the interface will be glitched with weird grey textures. If I launch the game and let the cutscenes pass without touching anything, I will always get my game's interface looking fine. I don't know why it's happening there, but it works for me 100% of the time, I hope it helps!
(Marked as the solution for visibility as it seems to be the best fix we have at the moment - BluebellFlora)