Forum Discussion

kayren85's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
5 months ago

August 2024 update broke my game again !!!

August 2024 update
Julys update messed my game up so bad took me forever to get it lined out … now I was forced to update today after spending 89 hours on a lot for my Patreon … and again my game is not working .. having to go through files yet again … I took out package files etc only to get back uon the game to see my entire lot was erased back to the original start….. now I’ve spent well over $400/$500 on this game over the years and I want a refund on every expansion pack game pack stuff pack I’ve purchased …. Any known package files conflicting? 

  • kayren85  Did your save revert to its previous state, or is the save otherwise normal but just missing the lot you built?  What lot type did you use?

    It's certainly not unheard-of for mods to cause this kind of problem, although it's also not common.  Still, it might be easier to build with no mods or custom content initially, then add just the cc you want for the build, and keep your mods elsewhere until and unless you're going to play in live mode.

  • I just had to update Launcher and now Sims 3 is broken and won't load at all. Sims 4 is buggy and I've repaired both games multiple times. Both were working just fine before the update. I'm sick of them destroying our games. 

  • CircuitD's avatar
    Seasoned Novice

    My game is stuck on load screens since the update. It’s not working at all. With every update it’s worse and worse and EA just stays silent. It basically sells people e broken product and faces no consequences. I personally am saying goodbye to Sims (a game I played for 30 years). I spend over 1k on sims 4 alone over the years and EA simply doesn’t care. I gave up. I don’t think getting another pack makes any sense since the game is simply completely broken. But adding the fact of how minimalistic and lacking in creativity, content and quality (not only in errors but also bad game design) this game is I decided to simply stay clear from EA in general. If people want to spend money on a boring mirror of the formerly better designed sims games that is their choice. Personally I don’t even want to bother asking how to fix it because I fix this game more then play it and EA reps just mark things as closed even if they are still an issue. Nothing I ever reported as error has ever been fixed. Basically they fix nothing and pretend they did. I wouldn’t expect EA to fix it or improve. They do not care about the customers.