Crashing after update (again)
I'm returning to the thread. After the last solution I manged to actually play through the event and a bit more with out any crashing or issues whatsoever and now after installing businesses and hobbies and the last patch I'm once again getting crashes.
This time I hardly even get into gameplay or sometimes before the main menu gets a chance to load its has closed down already. Again there's no mods or CC installed I hadn't actually moved them back in since the last time yet , I have ran repair through the EA app, tried removing thumb cache and even moving tray on the off chance.
Last time I ended up switching back to playing in Dx9 but on the off chance that it might fix my current issue I did try running in Dx11 again since that has been the fix in the past.
My saves should not be corrupt as it was only a little over a week ago I last fixed it and confirmed they were all safe, I do not understand enough techno babble to read the dxdaig and understand it myself so as always a fresh one is attached.
I have all Expansion packs and a majority of the Game and Stuff packs along with a handfull of kits, I would prefer to be able to use them I don't believe the issue is with them or my laptop overheating as that would perhaps allow me to actually play a bit.
((I wish I didn't love this game so much they really have me jumping through hoops to enjoy the content))