@lush0713 The error info says Sims 4 (TS4_x64.exe) crashed due to a fault with VCRUNTIME140.dll, which is a component of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables, 2015 and newer versions. The problem could be the VC++ runtimes or some resource that uses them, including mods or custom content. So while I understand you don't want to sort through all your mods if it isn't necessary, please do test with no mods or cc at all, as in, move the Mods folder to the desktop. If this fixes the crashing, you'll at least know what you need to do.
If you get this same type of crash with the Mods folder removed, please uninstall your current versions of the VC++ runtimes and install fresh copies. Hit Windows key-i, select Apps, scroll down to the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables, click on any version from 2015 or later, and select Uninstall. Don't touch the older versions. You can download the newest runtimes directly from Microsoft:
You'll need both the x86 and x64 versions of the 2015-2022 runtimes, but you can skip the ARM version, which is for a different class of device. Restart your computer after installing and before trying to play.
Separately, but possibly related, your dxdiag shows that your C drive is almost completely full. 7 GB free is enough for Windows to maneuver, but only barely, and not necessarily while running Sims 4. So please clear at least another 20 GB. Your D and E drives both have plenty of space, so it shouldn't be too difficult.