
a4dd4435c7844c0f's avatar
New Spectator
8 days ago

Babies with no parent connection


This will be a bit long I am Sorry.

I had an household with 6 Persons and got one pregnant. Twins. So now the hosehold is full. After i Aged them i wanted to change ther outfits so I cliced on custumize sims (Sim Berabeiten in german) I realized that the babies werent aged yet in the customizer so I went back to the game. And the game reseted 2 Days (2 promption where Missed and some plants i Planted too) i decided to continue Playing. wierdly the Mom was Still pregnant in the last trimester but the Babys are already there. When I aged the Twins again, I could not intact with them since they both have no connection to any one. so they are missing a Parenting person. I never had any mods. 

can it be fixed or do they have to die or be aged ( can they be aged without a parent) 

thank you already :)

  • Status changed:

    Could you post a picture of what it looks like ? In the family tree or don't they know their parents ?

  • yes of course.  So in the Parents Family tree there is only the first Born registerd (Benji) and the Two Babies only are on there Own, as if i made a new household with them . And the last Pic. shows what happens if the mom tries to interact ( eighter i can read sth. to them , or i have to be introduced by the carer of the child and it says that she doesnt know the parents). one of the Twins knows the mum and one apperently never spoke to her :D so they could bulit a relationship but i dont know how to care for them when i can only read to them .

  • There was a report at AHQ. It sounds very very familiar. It was a save game from someone I tested. Need to check on this later.

    Do you have a backup from before she gave birth ?

    If so, can you try if it works to play another household until the baby is born (IIRC it's not twins, something glitches and gives you twins).

    • a4dd4435c7844c0f's avatar
      New Spectator

      Hello, I Sadly don't have a backup from before :D i did one more troubleshooting and tried to connect the familytree relationships with a cheat in the sim bulider. but it didn't resolve the issue that the adults can't interact with the babies to take care of them .


  • Hello, 

    I think in my case it was slightly different since the baby where there but not registers as my babies and therefore not interactable. i found a workaround. i let (still pregnant) mom move out with the orphaned kids to see if she'll give birth. and she did. Since a baby sitter had to come for the other babies, i could ask the baby sitter to introduce her to my first two babies . so now she can interact with the older ones. I think the first birst somehow was not registered. because i got exactly the same set of twins as before. now i just have to find the cheat to make it possible for the household to have more than 8 persons and "just" have to take care of 5 babies :D easy peasy.

    Thank you for your help :)

  • You would need a mod to have more than 8.

    Do you have any old lastexception files from around the time it happened ? Maybe that can give an indication if it goes int he same direction.

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