
AnneCatN's avatar
New Novice
4 months ago

Bug when moving to lot in Ravenwood

I bought the new expansion pack today and updated my game.

I had a family living in a Forgotten Hollow. With the coming of the new pack, I wanted to move them there. I chose to keep my current furniture and buy a furnished lot in Ravenwood. When I finish moving, I get a 'Rosebud' notification. I can't access my previous furniture and my sims funds are messed up.

I tried it several times, once from the world overview, twice from my sims phone. Each time, I couldn't access my previous furniture. Once, it gave 1.000.000 simoleons. Twice, it has put my funds on 0. When I move to another world, there are no problems. 



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    Do you only have issues when moving from Forgotten Hollow or all worlds to Ravenwood ? Tried a Sim in Brindlton Bay to Ravenwood and had no issues

    I assume you used to phone option ?

    Did you also try on multiple saves ?

    There do seem a few issues with moving though.

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