Same here. My Sim has a green house with a bunch of boxes and pots in it with fully grown plants. And the water action keeps canceling. Harvesting and weeding and spraying work fine.
I did add a sprinkler but I don’t know if they’re meant to work in greenhouses, there is no turn on button for the sprinkler. Which is kind of weird. But I haven’t use the sprinkler before so I don’t know if there’s supposed to be one or they’re automatic. But the sprinkler is not doing anything either. The only way I can get the sprinkler to turn on is to tell my Sim to “play” in the sprinkler and then cancel the action and the sprinkler will keep going after the Sim finishes playing in the water. I have no idea if this is actually watering the plants. I’m hoping they won’t die. 😬
eta: I don’t have any mods or cc either.