Dirt piles are a symptom of a bug rather than a bug itself. This means, that there are many causes for plants turning into their base state and as such, they can re-occur any time although bugs were fixed. Basically what happens that the game runs into an error with the plants and doesn't know what status they were supposed to be in and hence reverts them to dirt piles.
Current Threads
Current thread if you are unsure what your cause is
Threads for specific causes
- Money Trees reset with latest update
- Plants don't grow (aka plants never get past dirt piles) - Feedback Needed if still occurs
- Plants revert to dirt piles after travelling
- Plants revert to dirt piles after events
- Plants revert to dirt piles after tending plants in any way
- Crystal Tree resets to dirt piles
- Plants reverting to Dirt Piles at 7 am
- Plants reverting to dirt when moved in Build Mode