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got spawned into a cave with no exit
loaded my jedi survivor up after a day or two of not playing, i was in the middle of a mission, and it loaded me in a cave with a locked door and thats it. the door is supposed to be opened from the other side i believe, but i have no exit to the cave, theres just a cliffside that drops off the map and a large door that is locked. i have tried reloading my save point, ive tried jumping off the cliff to restart the mission but nothing works. i really dont want to restart the game as i have a good amount of hours into it and i dont have much time to play because of work, so getting back to the current point im at will take me a very long time.4Views0likes0CommentsMissing Rewards: Future Stars Academy - Scout Report (Week 1 1/31-2/7)
Hello, I played the game and completed all the 'Future Stars Academy - Scout Report' objectives during week 1 but received no challenge rewards besides the play 1 objective. The first challenge that I completed but missing the rewards is the 'Win 3' objective which gives your future star the ability to equip 4-star skill moves. The second challenge I completed but wasn't rewarded was the 'Win 5' objective which gives your future star the ability to equip 4 4-star weak foot. The third objective completed but didn't receive the reward was the 'Score 5' objective which allows you to select 8 out of 15 Playstyles PP for your future star player. Since these objective rewards were missing, I was never rewarded the objective completion reward which is the choice 1 of 5 PlayStyle plus+ picks to add to your future star player. Has this issue happened to anybody else? I would greatly appreciate it if these rewards could be added to my account as I completed the objectives but never received the rewards which is disappointing. Update: I spoke with an agent who confirmed that the objectives were completed and stated that I received the rewards. However, I never actually received them, which is the issue in the first place. This appears to be a bug.11Views0likes0Commentsgetting tabbed out on pc
While playing fc25 on pc i’ll randomly get tabbed out while running the game and have no clue how to fix it. I’ve tried reinstalling driver with a clean installation and repairing fc25 on the app and still having this problem. Any recommendations?5ammmuel5 hours agoNewcomer2Views0likes0CommentsLoss of points
Players disconnect when losing, game claims there was a connection issue or network issue and either i lose or game acts like game never existed. I think am just going to deactivate cross play. Happens only against pc losers or ps5 losers.☹️Walt8515 hours agoNewcomer8Views0likes0CommentsThey screwed it up again this company needs to close the doors
Wow you people at EA sports fc25 should never be allowed to work in the gaming industry again. Almost every update you come out with just screws the game play up even more now I can't even take the ball away from anybody even when I clear kick the ball away from your ai cheat bot he just goes thru it like I'm not there. What's the point of point to pass to my player if your ai cheat bot is just gonna make my pass go complete opposite direction straight to your ai cheat bot. You people should give every one there money back for this crap.UsualSuss7 hours agoRising Novice29Views0likes0Comments- chrisd2208 hours agoNewcomer8Views0likes0Comments
Missed content
Everytime I get a reward on seasonal track that has more then 1 option I never get the reward I pick. When it’s a reward with multiple picks I always select (highlight) the option/reward I want and it always gives me another option I didn’t pick. The other issue I have is I had over 20,000 points on squad battles and I got Elite 3 rewards instead of Elite 1 like I was supposed to get. I’ve emailed ea customer service over 5 times now, I texted with one of their agents and they told me this issue would be resolved soon. This happened on Sunday and it’s now Tuesday and they never resolved the problem for me.3Views0likes0CommentsTactical foul
How long we gonna see this frustrating things happening from people EA?? It surely is frustrating whenever loosing the game with this unintended tactical foul. R1 is team pressing at the same time if I tackle with my cursored player... then it gets funny every single match. Penalty with red card.. haha.. I've even tried to change my playstyle not to press tackle at all to get over this. But it was nonsense. Using only the Jokey depense is not far enough to cover all situations. I want it to be disabled completely from my game setting. Plz have the disable option added on next update. 🙏 plz plz plzmjadep149 hours agoNew Novice10Views1like0CommentsImpossible de jouer depuis 2 semaine
Depuis plus de 2 semaines je ne peux accéder à mon club . Dès que je vais sur l’onglet club ou que je lance un match avec mon équipe . Le jeu crash et je ne peux rien faire . J’ai raté toutes les évolutions + tout les objectifs . J’ai déjà fais toutes les manipulations PlayStation donc j’attend une solution de la part de EA. C’est uniquement sur ce jeu que ça me fait ça donc merci de vite trouver une solutionMarokiiino959 hours agoNewcomer4Views0likes0CommentsFuture stars academy evo
Can I get compensation for the glitched player pick as it ruined my De Winter card. I wanted intercept plus but got first touch because I couldn’t tell which pick was which play style. If not then this is really unfair as I did the objectives before any content could warn me.TA_230513 hours agoSeasoned Newcomer15Views0likes0CommentsFreekick walls
Why can't I make my wall jump in freekicks when I put a player to lie down behind the wall? Isn't the whole reason to lie down behind the wall that the ball can't go under the wall while the wall is jumping???? It's so annoying when I accidentally make a player lie down behind the wall and I don't have time to get him out of there, so when the opponent takes the freekick, I can't make my wall jump.3Views0likes0CommentsÉvolution Future Star
C’est quoi cette arnaque ou tu rajoute un ++ et après tu reste bloqué à 88. je ne comprend pas le raisonnement à aucun moment le ++ donne une autre note ou d’autres stats au joueurs. pourquoi EA ne nous permet pas de continuer l’évolution du joueur qu’elle est le problème? Est-ce qu’il serait possible d’annuler cette évolution gag?Reus_343414 hours agoNewcomer5Views0likes0Comments