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EAFC25 is genuinely the worst FIFA game ever on release
FIFA/FC games have always been buggy messes on release. The player base gets annoyed then moves on as things are slowly patched over a year but this is genuinely the worst experience I have ever had with a new FIFA. I’ve played every game since FIFA 12 and I’ve never felt genuinely scammed out of money this way. Both in terms of bugs, but also active choices/features that are so, so, so much worse than ever. Bugs: Career Mode: Horrific Menu lag All menu items other than match-related options disappearing on matchday Random crashing requiring restart Incorrect player valuation advice I.e ‘we think this player is worth 40-60m’ - make a 55m offer, rejected outright Genuinely, absolutely, ludicrously insane looking youth players New UI is just genuinely terrible and inaccessible, not a bug, just a bad new feature No player OVR development shown on squad hub AI kit selections clash more than ever making differences between you and opposition genuinely impossible to tell. UT: Menu lag Random crashing Game disconnected 1-0 up, left in purgatory with a loading screen afterwards indefinitely while it ‘determined a winner’ that then didn’t work and no outcome decided ‘My packs’ crashing and not showing anything more often than not Genuine regression on attacking AI with forwards having seemingly none of the good positional sense they had last year. Bounces at complete random times but always favouring the countering side (both me and opponents) in incredibly contrived ways. Jockey+second man press inputs lick your defender in place indefinitely Passing power seemingly completely randomised I genuinely feel robbed. I’ve never quit playing a new release this soon. I spend 90% of my time playing career mode, and it feels legitimately pointless to build for the future (the whole point of the game mode) when I know I’ll be playing with a team of people with no chins, lips like the Rolling Stones symbol, and eyebrows like the McDonald’s logo. I feel bad for the game devs that were clearly given 15 minutes and a packet of crisps to crank this out. I’m appalled and EA should be genuinely ashamed.19KViews72likes480CommentsAFK Players in Rush EAFC25 FC 25
Hi EA, There is a serious problem with AFK players in RUSH who are clearly there to collect the points for the rewards. This is ruining the game experience for others who want to play. It is impossible to play 2 v 4 with your two team mates spinning round in circles in the opposition's half. Not only do they do nothing, they can be offside if the ball goes forward. If you can detect and kick people for non activity then this needs to be in RUSH asap or you need to give the option for vote to kick AFK players - I get that people rubber banding might bypass the system but surely someone can code for repetitive movement too?? It's utterly ruining the whole point of RUSH which should be an exciting new mode.8.3KViews41likes116Commentswhen will i receive reward for pre-ordering fc 25
Hello, When will I get reward for pre-ordering FC 25?Solved15KViews36likes407Comments[PC] FC 25 is full of cheaters
Hello, There are serious issues with cheaters in FC 25 that need to be addressed immediately. The current anti-cheat system is not effective. There are two main types of cheaters: One type causes a glitch right after kickoff (less urgent, as it doesn’t always result in a loss, except in draft mode). The other type makes players unable to sprint at all or move properly, as if their stats are reduced to 1. This one needs to be fixed as soon as possible. You cannot let millions of players loose coins and Fifa points because of cheaters, it's your duty to fix it now. In attachment, you will find a video to help you identify the problem. [Removed - EA_Barry] Thank you18KViews27likes85CommentsEA FC 25, unplayable game.
Hey EA, I thought I should drop here a post before leaving the game, I think it's the only place where you actually read users feedback. I really loved Fifa series, I grew up on every release of your game, it makes me so sad to give it up but you make me no choice. the game is unplayable. Let's break it down to few topics (I am only talking about UT) Current Meta 1. Defense - Playing high and aggressive defense with VVD and Saliba where they auto tackle everything. The defense AI is so strong to the point where players don't need to control the players, they are perfectly aligned and squeezed on a square of 20 meters. 2. Defense - Auto offside trap. overpowered tactics feature where again, the user doesn't needs to do anything, just set it up. 3. Attack (is it even exists) - Trivella, Finesse, L1 sprint boost, power shots. The current meta doesn't have any skill gap between players. bad players rewarded by abusing mechanics of the game and doesn't play a real football. Do you even aim to be a real football simulator? How can it be that Trivella is so commonly used on your game where in real life, you rarely see this shot across all seasons across all top leagues? Finesse shots from 20 meters??? where the last time you saw someone score from 20 meters to the far post where the keeper just stand there without doing nothing? L1 sprint boost? where the last time you saw someone dribble around the 16 box like a mosquito from side to side till he find a hole to sprint through defenders? Corners with VVD Those attacking mechanics should be used but they should be rare, people should attack with a proper football passing like in real life. Why do you have OP defensive AI? are you a really e-sports game? Why you need to help people with defense? as a player on elite division and high WL rank, I don't need your help. I spend a lot of time mastering defense switch, reading the game, tracking runs. You should reward me! not a player that just join and got VVD from pack and using VVD to run everywhere on the pitch. Why defenders always catch up attackers no matter what is the attacker pace. VVD literally catch every run. Why Tekkez on FC Pro win games by simply doing a fast corner to VVD? is this a skill gap? is there anything his opponent can do to prevent this? Do you even listen to the community? I am working for a tech company, I am managing R&D of a product that servers million of users. We have a team that talks with group of users daily, not through forms or "Please submit us a feedback", talking with them directly, asking for their feedback, for their opinions on the product. Do you even do this? how you let Reddit, Twitter, Youtube have so much negative content from the top Fifa creators? Is there any manager on EA that put any effort on quality and user feedback? have you ever thought to create a group of VIP beta testers to get immediate feedback on your game? Why you don't pay a ticket to Inception FC, Jamboo, Nick RTFM and tell them "Come to Toronto, let's fix the product". Nothing lasts forever I get it, you earn a lot of money, you don't have competition, people are still buying points. Let me be clear, and I am talking for every EA employee reading this, if that's your roadmap, keep this current product just because it keeps selling, YOU ARE WRONG. As soon as there will be a decent competitor that will copy paste your UT mode, with your current gameplay, you are out. Instead of giving us a great product, you are showing all the world "Look, there is a brilliant opportunity here to develop a better game" and guess what? nothing lasts forever. Just look at Intel, the world leading company for processors, controlled every piece of the market till 10 years ago, now they can't afford a coffee on their offices. Does the patches even do something? I never seen anything like this before. It's pretty clear for me as software developer and especially as a manager. YOU DON'T QA YOUR PRODUCT. You are declaring a product for EA FC 25: Rush, skill moves, new animations, FC IQ etc. You are pushing your developers to finish it before September so you can have a beta but you don't have the time to check it, right? You just do sanity tests that it's not crashing, all the monitoring works but the simple tweaks to check the gameplay you leave to the users so they can do the QA for you for 100$. AM I RIGHT? Well, I guess you develop a bit too fast because the game is on a point where the patches doesn't do anything. ANYTHING. The funny thing is, I thought that the last state of FC 24 was OK, not great but OK. I was looking forward to 25 with the mindset of "Okay, it will be the same as 24 with a bit of tweaks" but I was wrong, so damn wrong. What you did with the gameplay is a shame, such a shame that I can't play anymore. such a shame that I am investing so much time writing this as the last hope you can fix the game. What I think you should do next? On my company we worked really hard to deliver features without pay attention to quality. we saw that a lot of users are leaving because of quality so we put a lot of effort into this, to a place we stopped working on features and just stabilize the system and make it better. If you are an EA employee reading this, you should demand that from your management. you deserved to work on environment where you are PROUD of your product and code. Your main focus should be quality. FC 26? I don't want any new feature. I don't care. why should I care if I can't play the game? If you release 26 by saying "we keep the same game but we fix performance, FPS, engine, reduce animations, reduce defensive AI, reduce input delay" I will be the first to pre-order it. You should stop being so attached to your BI data if you keeping earn money and selling pack or not. You can't try to keep players on the game by keep releasing promos or reduce the price of the game by 60% where the gameplay is in such a bad place. My friend just bought the game and he message me "man, this is the worst Fifa I have ever played". Final words I am really sad to leave the game but it is what it is. you can't continue to play something that doesn't gives you joy. I just hope someone on EA will read this and understand the huge mistakes you are currently doing. I personally will love to give a genuine feedback on the game, I really think you should open a Discord channel with gamers to have an instant feedback. Let's hope for a better Fifa days. Cheers. ⚽5.5KViews26likes23CommentsEA FC 25 Closed Beta Issue - Wrong Platform
Hi, I received my EAFC 25 Closed Beta but I have an issue. My current console is the PS5 but I received a beta code for the PS4? Can someone help with this as I am not sure where to contact? Thank you. [Title edit for searchability - EA_Barry]Solved12KViews25likes1366CommentsPOV Camera Needs Removing!!
This absolutely HAS TO GO!! It kills the immersion & isnt realistic in the slightest! It's up there with removing the pre-match intros! It has no place anywhere in the game other than Player Career!! (Same with HyperMotion Replays! If they're not in real life broadcasts i don't want to see them in game!) PLEASE add the following Toggle for this ASAP: On/Off/Player Career Only 🙏🏼GenericFC6 months agoSeasoned Veteran2.9KViews24likes46CommentsHeaders completely dead now?
I know a header from corner was too much overpowered (especially from VVD) Now you guys killed headers completely from the scoring options It's funny that scoring from a header is almost 20~30% of all the scores in real football Scoring from a header in FC25 is less than 5%?? (except corner situation) It wasn't even easy to see a header goal from crossing before the patch Now the players seem to not know that how to use a header. I know it's not easy balancing the game but I always feel that you guys make the change too much, so that people feel that the game is broken (over power -> kill it -> over power -> kill it)8.2KViews18likes25Comments❌ Missing packs during the TOTY promotion ? Check out this post💡
Hello everyone, Many of you are saving a lot of packs during the TOTY promotion so you might notice some packs missing when completing SBCs or objectives for example. Do not worry, they aren't lost. There is a display limit in-game, so those packs are waiting for you in the background. To see them, you can either open some packs on the console/PC or go on the companion app where they all should show up. Best of luck to everyone and I hope you get some TOTY players out of those saved packs. As a reminder, you can vote for your TOTY Men and Women directly here. You have until January 12, 2025.EA_Hux2 months agoCommunity Manager1KViews17likes0Comments- 2.9KViews15likes38Comments
[Bug/Problem] Fix this broken gameplay
This "FOOTBALL" game has nothing to do with football. The problems described affect ultimate team, online and offline mode. The described behavior of the defenders applies to squad battles as well as the online modes like Rivals and Champs. Problems: - player switching is too delayed. Also sometimes while running or dribbling the used player loses his active focus, if the ball is not on his foot - you will be penalized for regular passing on the ground (pass precision is a joke, auto correction is broken as [Edited]) - rebounds, rebounds and rebounds - CPU defenders are too strong (physical) and worlds too fast (faster than strikers with pace 90+ and pace chemstyle) --> not acceptable - CPU pressing is too strong - CPU offside trap is too strong - Blocking and reactions of CPU defenders is too strong - CPU defender gets the ball, when standing behind the active player (without any foul) - variance of goalkeepers - goalkeeper movement is still too strong - every opponent's CPU offensve player can intercept the ball better than most defenders - left stick dribbling is horrible, does not really exist --> you need to use L1 / R1 for smooth movement - Skill moves are completly senseless --> every [Edited] CPU defender knows perfectly how to defend it - 5 chain defender formations --> just remove this [Edited] absolutely no one wants this - kick-off glitches The only way to score: - lob passes - L1 sprint boost (the biggest ridiculous thing i have ever seen in a "FOOTBALL" game) - Ideally, do not play any (flat) passes, otherwise this will be punished Sorry but that is extremely stupid and ridiculous. [Edited] A serious question: How do you come up with the idea of releasing a game in such a state ? Also is there no software quality assurance ? I worked in the area of software quality assurance for 10 years, and we would never have released a product in this condition Or did anyone in general play the game before it was released? In any case, it doesn't seem that way Putting out a football game like that is ripping off the customer. This is the worst "FOOTBALL" game ever released. There is absolutely no skill cap or general skill needed to play this garbage. It's just pure hope that the next pass arrives and the receiver can receive it without an accident (without a rebound, despite the playstyle). Even squad battles aren't really playable. It feels like the CPU is on all the drugs in the world. Faster, physically stronger, worlds more responsive. So no, it doesn't work that way! Fixes the behavior described above. Disclaimer: Sorry for the somewhat harsh words, but that's exactly what describes the game in its current state. I really wonder what you have to think about to release something like that [CM Edit: please cut out the swearing/filter avoidance, we made some minor edits to the post. You can view the forum rules here]2.1KViews15likes31CommentsCan't do future stars academy evo because of a playstyle plus problem.
Dear EA Support Team, i am informing you about a mistake that is a problem for those who can't do the Evo for a Future Stae Academy player. If we missed a playstyle plus evo, we cannot complete the evolution. This is a big problem for me as i only did one playstyle plus evo and couldnt do the other because i was away from home. I suggest you add two extra playstyle plus evo's (just make the future star evo only for 2 playstyle plus's so that way no one would put 4 playstyle plus's) i suggest two because one may have picked the wrong playstyle plus, which would be me. I want to complete this evolution. Please do it. thank youtubular4720 days agoSeasoned Novice2.4KViews15likes8CommentsOutdated transfers on February 17rd, SHAME!
Dear EAFC 25 developers, I am writing this message to express my deep indignation with the lack of winter transfer updates in the game until February 14rd. As a dedicated player of the career mode, I eagerly expected the market movements to be reflected in the game, allowing for a more realistic and up-to-date experience. However, I was extremely frustrated to discover that an update released on February 02th, instead of improving the situation, actually regressed the transfers. Players who had been transferred in previous versions inexplicably returned to their original teams. It is unacceptable that on February 17rd, we still do not have access to the complete transfers up until this date. The transfer window for major leagues has already closed and the lack of proper updates makes the game experience extremely frustrating and outdated. I kindly request that you rectify this situation as soon as possible. We, dedicated players of EAFC 25, deserve a quality experience where transfers are updated in a timely and accurate manner. After all, this is what brings realism and immersion to the game. I hope to receive a positive response and a prompt update on the winter transfers. I believe that we can make EAFC an even better game, as long as there is a genuine commitment to the players' expectations. Sincerely, A disappointed fan of EAFC 25HenrryFLP20 days agoRising Rookie1.6KViews13likes7CommentsFix Evo on Academy Future Stars
Hey, EA I'd like to talk about a new event, Academy of Future Stars. I took the player. And I made Nwaneri the evolution of the striker. After that I wanted to develop his leg. But After I did it in normal evolution. I got it, but now I can’t do the evolution of the Academy of Future Stars. I would like to clarify or fix how this is, because is written nowhere that you can’t do normal evolution on it, but only the Academy of Future Stars, or add it so that it’s possible. To reset until some period of time, I would like to draw attention to this. Thank youPidlol77731 days agoSeasoned Newcomer638Views13likes21CommentsIcon/Hero Pack Compensation Missing
I opened the supposed 'Icon pack' last week, just like many others did. The description clearly state Icon both times but whilst others in the community have received icon packs as compensation, I haven't. Not sure why but I see many other users complain they didnt receive the compensation either. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks1.6KViews12likes72CommentsRequest to Include Greek League in EA FC 25 - Time for Change!
Hello EA Sports Team and Fellow Gamers, I hope this message finds everyone well. I am writing to bring to your attention a matter that has been a topic of discussion among fans of both EA FC and Greek football for many years: the inclusion of the Greek Super League in the upcoming EA FC 25. Why the Greek League Deserves a Spot in EA FC 25 Historical Significance: The Greek league has a rich history and has produced many legendary players and teams. Historically, it has been a competitive and exciting league, deserving of recognition on a global stage. Recent Successes: This year, Olympiacos made history by winning the UEFA Conference League. This achievement is a testament to the quality and competitiveness of Greek football. It is a significant milestone that underscores the potential and excitement that Greek teams bring to European competitions. Passionate Fan Base: Greek football fans are known for their passion and dedication. Including the Greek league would not only satisfy a large group of loyal fans but also attract new players to EA FC who are enthusiastic about Greek football. Diverse Gameplay: Adding the Greek league would enrich the diversity of the game, providing players with new teams, new stadiums, and new tactical challenges. It would enhance the overall experience and offer more variety in gameplay. Our Request Given these points, we believe it is time to bring the Greek Super League back into the EA FC series after more than 20 years. The inclusion of the Greek league will not only celebrate the recent successes of teams like Olympiacos but also honor the deep-rooted football culture in Greece. We understand that adding a new league involves effort and resources, but we are confident that the inclusion of the Greek league will be a worthwhile addition that enhances the game for all players. Community Support I invite all fellow fans and gamers who support this idea to join the discussion and show their support. Let’s come together to make our voices heard and bring the excitement of Greek football to EA FC 25! Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to seeing the Greek Super League in the game soon.2.7KViews12likes6CommentsUnresponsive and broken gameplay
This game is trash. My players passing and running in wrong direction. When I have the ball every second pass gets intercepted, mostly cuz my players pass the ball to the wrong player. Also when I'm defending, for some reason players instead running towards the ball, they start running towards the back of attacker. Also sometimes when I pass the ball to the player, he runs out of position and the ball gets intercepted. Also it feels like I need to try 10xtimes harder than my opponent to get the ball back. Opponent dribbles for half a minute, while I loose the ball almost immediately. The passing, the defending, the dribbling and everything in this game is unresponsive. And it's not my internet or graphic card, I have cable and I also try few different settings, nothing works, this game is so trash is unplayable.1.1KViews11likes26CommentsChange player position
Hello. Until EA FC 24 when you chose a formation on career mode lie 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 for example you could put every player in a position and then pick one player and edit his position on the pitch pressing square or triangle (don't remember well sorry). So for example in a Tottenham 4-3-3 you could change Maddison position from CAM to CM just by pressing him in the line up and moving him forward or backwards. The game will ask you if you wanted him to change position and thats all. Now in EA FC25 you can set a formation but you can't move players, you set a 4-3-3 and it is a fix formation any player can't be moved from standard 4-3-3. I don't know if I am explaining myself sorry.23KViews11likes26CommentsWorst Fifa game since 1996
I've been playing FIFA since '96 now that I'm 36, I can say this is the worst football game I've ever played. There's nothing related to football, it's complete chaos and a reckless street match. The ball changes sides every 2 seconds, as if it's not 11 vs 11 but 20 vs 20. There's no space on the field, the players are like conjoined twins, constantly tackling—count the seconds, there's a tackle every 2 seconds. It's like a ping-pong match, going back and forth. That's why you're forced to constantly do tiki-taka, and the game feels like a 100-man street fight. The biggest innovation in the trailer was supposed to be custom tactics, but it's a complete lie. There’s nothing new or different in terms of tactics. The graphics shocked me too—day matches, which were my favorite for years, now have such a terrible and artificial lighting that it looks like a mobile game. Except for ultra-close-ups, the grass has no texture, it looks like paper. I've been a FIFA fan for years, but I've never trashed a FIFA game this much in my life. I only bought it for Pro Club because of my friends, but every penny I spent feels wasted1.7KViews10likes54CommentsBug Report - Unable to Redeem Vanity item, store packs inaccessible.
Had a bug occur after redeeming a vanity item as one of the rewards for the season pass. It's showing as a bronze card titled "Unlock". it can be neither discarded or redeemed, attempting to redeem it just results in a message saying "unable to connect to the ea fc 25 store please try again later". Any other packs in the store are unable to be opened as it says I have things to deal with in the store, and the cycle continues. Thanks!702Views10likes16Comments