Bring penalty for quitting from the game!
Bring penalty for quitting from the game please! At least 2-3 min, better 5.
Even in the trios - redemption they keep quitting like mad even when there are 2 teammates still alive. Almost in every single game! Players don't want to wait 1 minute for the respawn and they quit and start the new one. Many players are disrespectful towards others time and efforts and quit, this is just people's ugly nature.
Please fix it by bringing a system of penalty: if someone quit from the game - 2 min of penalty. During the next few hours the penalty should increase for 1 more minute for each more match they do quit.
There's no constant solos mode (I would like it to be present), so if you force us to play with randoms, bring some punishment for the quitters please!
For those who quit too often a special badge (or tracker) should be present (the special 4th slot) which is impossible to unequip - "Betrayal Master" - quitted from the games 105384 times.