AMD Phenom Crash Cheapest Solution - SSE4.1 & SSSE3 Error Fix
TLDR: If you have an AM3+ motherboard, your best option is an FX-8350 processor. I can play Apex Legends with no problems on mine. Currently $59 new and shipped on eBay.
Like many gamers, I was very dismayed to discover I could not play Apex Legends on my Phenom II processor, despite being able to play almost any other modern AAA title.
For those of you not familiar with the Phenom crash issue, we were initially able to launch the game, but it would close to desktop whenever we tried to enter a match.
Now when trying to start the game we just get an error message that says "CPU does not have SSSE3" even though the issues seems more likely to be SSE41.
I won't lie folks, in the end I caved and finally upgraded from my 2011 processor. A friend happened to be selling locally the exact CPU I was looking to buy so I went for it.
I'm still hoping they'll fix this for everyone else, but for anyone who has an AM3+ motherboard, you can in fact upgrade to a supported FX processor and play the game.
For the money, an FX-8350 is the best option as the less powerful processors aren't much cheaper and the 8-Core 4.0GHz 8350 is basically top of the line for the AM3+ socket.
You can pick one up on eBay for right around $60 typically. This is not my sale, but this is the cheapest buy it now link I can find.
I will say even though I had the top of the line Phenom II, the X6 1100T, I have seen a decent performance bump with the new CPU, especially overclocked.
In some basic testing I saw a 40% or more bump in minimum frame rate in BFV, and I can play Apex Legends at very high FPS with my GTX 970 GPU.
Still not a fantastic upgrade in terms of bang for buck, but it sure beats several hundred dollars for a Ryzen upgrade I can't afford right now.
If $60 is still too pricey for you, which I understand, this FX-4100 is your absolute cheapest option at only $24 and there are plenty available.
A slight step up from that is the FX-4130 which is only $33, but it's up to you to pick obviously.
All models between the 4100 series and the 8300 series seem to be $50+ so really just go for the FX-8350 if your mobo supports it. Do double check which processors your mobo supports.
Compare benchmarks with what you have, make sure you have a compatible AM3+ motherboard, and decide if it is worth it to you. This may become a problem with more games.
The Phenom II processors were phenomenal performers, crap no pun intended. The FX series honestly was not a massive upgrade, but at least it is still a reasonable bump.
Just so you know, this is the list of processors which support SSE4.1 which seems to be the main culprit along with SSSE3 of course.
Apex Legends is tons of fun, and while I'm disappointed there has been so little response on this topic, I'm sure it will come eventually. I just didn't want to wait longer.
Sadly our old power houses are becoming a bottleneck, but I know what it's like to be low on funding. My 1100T had a good 8 year run.
Just wanted to share my solution, even if it is a bit of a defeat. Hope it helps some of you. Solidarity fellow gamers, and GLHF!
Edit 3/19: Updated prices for new battlepass day. This game is very worth playing!