Forum Discussion

shafaet_qeep's avatar
5 years ago

GAC Join and Leave

Dear CG,
Out of all annoying things in the world gac Join button is one of them. Can we not have a leave button like TW? Because Many like me accidentally press the join button without realising some of characters missing mods and not being able leave and rejoin. If you can do it for tw you can do it for gac please.
  • Nice Necro. Back when Lio was around and MetaThumper was Crazygone.
  • "CosmicJ;c-2066146" wrote:
    Join/Leave is obviously the ideal but if this can't be implemented easily, then they should just add a confirm button after you hit the join button.

    "Are you sure you want to join the GAC?"

    Then if you fat finger twice, thats on you. ;)

    Just created another thread about this a few hours ago, because I didn't look for something in Individual Events > Grand Arena. (Seriously, who's gonna find that in here? This is not an event. TW and Conquest are also not in here)

    But this quote is so right! Read this @CG. It's easy!
    And don't put the confirm button on the bottom right, where all the other buttons are. Make it small, so people don't press it by accident.
  • Confirm button please (3rd or 4th request I've made over the years at this point) - I've seen so many posts and threads on this, too (and I hardly come to the forums - whenever I come here, there seem to be a lot of people talking about this!). Not sure why this hasn't been done yet - how hard can a confirm button be? There's a confirm button to place omegas in ships, I mean, c'mon.
  • Confirm button, please!! Really not sure what the issue is with doing this - must create more revenue for them somehow not doing this - can't see how, but I would think that's the only reason this has not been done yet. I mean, there's a confirm button to place ship omegas - lol - and probably other confirm buttons for even less significant actions!! Please implement this!!
  • perfidius44's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    About that, just to be sure:

    At the start of a round (so next one sunday night) : is my roster locked when I press the join button or when the round actually starts the next day (so monday evening)?

    A definite answer would be nice.
  • perfidius44's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    "Rath_Tarr;c-2269836" wrote:
    "Starslayer;c-2269803" wrote:
    About that, just to be sure:

    At the start of a round (so next one sunday night) : is my roster locked when I press the join button or when the round actually starts the next day (so monday evening)?

    A definite answer would be nice.

    Your roster locks at join (or very close - the snapshot may be an async task triggered by join)

    Your league however is not locked. If you join and then claim feats which end up promoting you up a league before matchmaking ends then you will be matched at the higher league. I have tested this personally.

    Thx !

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