"Admiral_Piett;c-2392208" wrote:
Right i got it now u are a sort of person if CG says Jump You say How High
You must have missed the part where DarjeloSalas said this:
"DarjeloSalas;c-2392183" wrote:
They announced the changes (state of the Gear-laxy) in September 2021.
They have delivered everything mentioned in Phase 1 apart from increasing the gear drop rates on hard nodes.
If you’re going to complain about CG (which isn’t hard, there’s lots to choose from), you should try to be factual.
So I really don't see what you're on about. For some reason anyone that doesn't agree with the folks that are slinging accusations (often unfounded or just just flat out wrong) are denigrated or belittled. Somehow having an objective stance is a bad thing and anyone that doesn't think CG is terrible is obviously also terrible. Worse yet, DarjeloSalas went so far as to say there are lots of things to choose from to complain about where CG is concerned - so what's the issue? He's clearly stating his objectivity on the matter.
"Admiral_Piett;c-2392208" wrote:
Also they hardly deliver anything apart from making characters to Milk the Community that's basically it
Regarding the first part of your statement, refer to the original post in this thread - Juicebox listed several things that they HAVE actually delivered. I'm confused by the second part though - are you saying you don't want CG to make new characters?
If you're going to make claims and accusations, be prepared to back them up. The people that you think are saying "How High" are mostly just asking for that - for people to be honest and back up their claims with facts instead of angry rants that don't stand up to reasonable scrutiny.