Forum Discussion

GrayJediWarrior's avatar
Rising Novice
6 days ago

GUILD Arena Tournament(s)

So I'm aware that this has been brought up in the past, but I'm adding my own take, since it's been an extremely popular topic in my guild.

Within my own guild, there are several (friendly) rivalries going on, and I'm sure many other players out there would love to be able to face other guild members, even without rewards. 

I'd suggest the following:

Quarterly this could be an optional guild event in lieu of Territory Battle or alternatively alongside it so it won't conflict with Territory War. 


Matchmaking brackets would be in sets of 5, GP based (maximum +/- 1.5M).

As for rewards, I personally wouldn't care, but it could also be an incentive to provide various guild-related currencies as rewards with the event winner receiving Mk 3 tokens, or something special. Primarily this would be intended to help lower level places in small-mid GP guilds grow if they're unqualified for raids like Naboo. As an example --- in my guild literally nobody is wasting their time on gungans. Almost all of us have pretty strict budgets and none of us are going to chase after new squads coming out. Too expensive, and time consuming. 

In fact... leadership literally banned Speeder Bike raids as it no longer has Mk 3 raid tokens, and we can help our members grow significantly faster by blowing through legacy raids rather than getting pretty sad rewards for "killer new raids".

Notwithstanding, even without rewards this would be an event that could be fun for maxed out accounts, as well as new players which will also foster guilds to share squad setups, and knowledge of character mechanics which in many smaller guilds appears to be a joke at best, more often than not (communication, not the knowledge itself) unless they happen to have an extensive discord (community) server like ours. 


Just an idea, although I'm already aware it will likely fall on deaf ears where CG is concerned...

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