Forum Discussion

Hilti89's avatar
11 months ago

Open Letter for FTP Comments on New Raid

First, before I talk about anything else, as a player I'm genuinely excited about new the release of new content and raids are no exception to that. I remember when the Tank and Sith Raids dropped and all the excitement about new strategies, new characters, and new rewards.

One concern I have, and I'd love to hear what other FTP players think on this, is over the timeline of new raids being released. As someone who tries to optimize their farming, I am only trying to invest in the characters that have the highest return. With the new raid currently being teased I can't help but feel like the gear/relics put into the Krayt raid (outside of unlocking Jabba) have been a waste at this point. In having to prioritize between prerequisite characters, TW/TB characters, and now new raid characters, it feels like spending resources and the teams required for the new raids is pretty much limited to farm the new GL that is included in the usable units for the raid and forgot about gearing up the rest. I'd love to hear other players thoughts on this.