6 years ago
Should I have restarted lol?
Hey guys. I was watching Anhald's video today of the hyperdrive bundle restart. It made me wonder and think. I started playing the game since launch, but I have taken long, several month-long or even year-long breaks.As such, I was and am behind. I re-started in June or July of 2019. I got focused and started building a powerful roster. After Christmas, I bought the hyperdrive bundle with christmas money. It had a medium-level impact on my account. I was already level 85, but I didn't have the zeta challenge unlocked, and I didn't have Nightsisters, or some other key characters and ships. I have now progressed much farther and am happy with my progress. I was able to get CLS and Chimera. Now however, I wonder if it may have been a little more fun to restart. A lot of progress would be gone, but I would have so much more opportunity. I will not restart now, I have put too much time and money in. However, if I win the lottery or something in the future, is it somewhat fun to restart with the bundle and stomp on everyone with years of experience and decent characters?