Forum Discussion

Svirve's avatar
11 months ago

Squish is getting squishier, what about my placement?

So the squish is getting squishier.

But what about my placements?
The squish matters little if you don't know what you're placing in GA.
And won't know until the squish happens and everyone is signed up for the next round.

Right now the last round of each GA isn't taken into account for your final placement.
Not even in terms of reward.

Example; Going into my last round I was at 3799 rating, #164.
I won the round and bumped up to 3833 rating, but my placement is still 3799 and #164.
End of season rewards where distributed as 3799 and #164, despite winning the last round.

In this case it made no difference except my e-peen is an inch smaller because I'm not officially top 100.
But in the case of being top 50 or not, top 250 or not. And in the case of being promoted to another league, I would see substantial loss of rewards.
  • Knewonce's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    The squish does not push down anyone in Chromuim or lower. It does the exact opposite and has persistently moved most players to higher divisions/leagues. Aurodium is the only league that has consistent downward squish.

    "Joebo720;c-2447251" wrote:
    Yes they mean K1 is shrinking. But yes the squish occurs in all leagues. More people have been pushed to the lowest league as this magnifies across them all.

  • "Drathuk916;c-2447259" wrote:
    I’m happy things are changing but like many holding my breath on the results. The one thing I wish I knew is why there is a need for a squish. Gac already has seasons, so just set each league at 20 percent and each division at 10/25/30/25/10 levels and run the season. Rinse repeat and rinse. I’m sure there are reasons why this doesn’t work but I can’t see them.

    Because skill ratings don't reset. So, at either end of the global ladder, you have accounts that can accumulate (or lose) skill points to an eventuality where they can lose constantly and not change position, or win constantly and not move up. Squish is supposed to keep the ratings within a competitive range.
  • "Drathuk916;c-2447267" wrote:
    "nfidel2k;c-2447264" wrote:
    "Drathuk916;c-2447259" wrote:
    I’m happy things are changing but like many holding my breath on the results. The one thing I wish I knew is why there is a need for a squish. Gac already has seasons, so just set each league at 20 percent and each division at 10/25/30/25/10 levels and run the season. Rinse repeat and rinse. I’m sure there are reasons why this doesn’t work but I can’t see them.

    Because skill ratings don't reset. So, at either end of the global ladder, you have accounts that can accumulate (or lose) skill points to an eventuality where they can lose constantly and not change position, or win constantly and not move up. Squish is supposed to keep the ratings within a competitive range.

    You’ve explained a reason for an adjustment to the skill rating not a reason for hard level entry points to the various leagues and divisions. It’s also a flawed argument imo. No matter the amount of points they take away from Aesop, they’ll remain in the top 5 as long as they want.

    The squish doesn’t make it easier for me to get to the mountain top. It just makes it look not as steep.

    I agree that getting rid of the skill rating cutoffs for each division would be a simpler solution to the population problem. There must be a reason for why they want to keep them. But at least the communication now confirms that squish is managing the population.

    As for the original intent, what I described is really only an issue for those extreme edges. You're right in that squish doesn't do anything for the rest of us really, but it's still a problem with the system that needs to be addressed to prevent problems down the road. It may even create problems with the matchmaking algorithm if it isn't addressed. It's necessary, even if it doesn't benefit you or I directly.