"Salatious_Scrum;c-2462702" wrote:
If you’re talking about the Endor Raid specifically? Awful. Reminds me of the SLKR/Rey unlock tier where you just dodge parry and whatever the third option is. Big thumbs down, so I hope the new upcoming raid lets us use character abilities again.
See, I'm torn here.
One the one hand, I do like using my full teams.
On the other hand, they are restricting me in what teams I can use, frankly the Krayt raid SUCKED for that.
When it popped up, I didn't have Jabba yet, so I had some R5 OR Jedi but you couldn't make a whole team at R5 w/ them so it was running them as a Trio or pairing them up w/ G12 characters.
Tuskens? Jawas? Remainder of the OR team? rrrriiigghhtt.
Bounty Hunters w/o Jabba? Meh.
Fact is, doing that raid sucked, IMHO.
Then comes along the SB Raid.
More limited teams where I can't use half my rebels.
And even the excuse of "only those at Endor" fails to explain why R2 wasn't included or why Magma/Shore etc Troopers are included.
But at least w/ SB raid they turned it into a "Mini-Game" w/in the game.
Which while I'm not in love with it, at least means that not having entire teams would be okay since you were not playing w/ full teams.
My biggest fear w/ the Naboo Raid will be that they give you a very limited # of characters to use that don't form the full teams AND then expect you do be able to do anything w/ them.
The worst combo of both previous raids & one that will make me cry out for the good old days of Pit, Tank, Sith raids.
The idea of being limited to Gal Rep but not being able to touch any of the characters from the AotC, TCW, & RotS and having to clear those B1's similar to this conquest is just sad & would only make me hate the game even more.
As for the Loot system.
I hated it at first.
Hated the overall loss of total loot shards.
Hated the clearly imbalanced pricing for various items.
Hated the caps forcing you to basically blow out your rewards every 3-12 days regardless of what is showing in the stores at that time.
But, the choose what you want nature of it was interesting.
It's grown on me, but I still want those caps removed/increased. (Especially the Mk1s)