Forum Discussion

ShaunyVee's avatar
Rising Newcomer
8 hours ago

Naboo raid - changing difficulty selection between resets

Naboo raid

I select my intended difficulty, choose my team and enter the battle.


I chew my fingernails off for hours as the droids continuously assist / counter / get free turns etc. blah blah blah


None of that is new, what my problem is - is that because the RNG is ridonkulous I find myself quitting & restarting often.


Unfortunately the system doesn't like this - and will set my next match to default to a difficulty level far different to the one I'd previously entered with.


Please fix this - the dopamine hit of  a difficulty 5 randomly turning into a difficulty 1, only to realise the system changed the difficulty level and that's why it's all of a sudden not an RNG fest, is depressing.



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