Forum Discussion

GrayJediWarrior's avatar
Rising Novice
5 days ago

TO DEVS -- Great Mothers vs GAS bug/loop

So, I just thought I'd point out that if you try to use Great Mothers against GAS you get stuck in a partial loop.

  1. GM ability removing protection from GAS who meditates immediately
  2. Little bit of combat
  3. GAS wakes up with protection and no debuff
  4. Repeat 1 - 3

It would be nice if GAS didn't remove a debuff that's supposed to be permanent... Just saying...

  • Just adding a thought here, shouldn't GAS just permanently sit out of the battle until the rest of his squad is defeated in this scenario?

    He'd be stuck meditating as he shouldn't be able to regenerate protection when it was removed entirely. 

    +X% protection of 0 is still 0 protection 

  • norril's avatar
    Seasoned Novice

    GaS's leadership ability removes all other status effects when he goes into cover. Not sure what you're getting at.