The title always makes me laugh, remembering Peter Sellers, in the movie 'Being There', say to Shirley MacLaine "I like to watch" ! :D Well I must admit I Do like watching my sims, just to see what they do! I usually only direct them to help fulfill wishes, although sometimes I admit to doing this creatively! haha
So my family, how did it begin? Starting in Moonlight Falls with Dante, Violet, and Argus, it was plain so see that Violet and Argus were getting to be an item. Dante was best friends with Belinda Crumplebottom, and they decided to move in together to my favorite house. (actually, the only house I like here!)
Belinda wanted a child with Dante, and it pained him to let her down as he felt he was too young, and he wanted a more traditional family when he matured. He loved Belinda as friend, and even though she was so kind and lovely personality, she was not 'the One' for him.
Belinda was swept off her feet by Don Lothario, they fell in love and married. When ever he would scare her she would retaliate by casting a spell on him! :D They enjoyed each other immensely! She has not had a child with Don so far though, she thinks an evil father would be, well, evil!
Moving Forward : Dante
Dante met a beautiful Faery named Tulip. The attraction was instant, and soon they fell in love. The more he was with her, the more he became convinced she was the One! And so, he convinced her to marry him. I say 'convinced' because She was a bit afraid that he was a Vampire. But, she did love him and she did say Yes! Dante was in heaven! He never drank from her, he only drank plasma orange juice. Their marriage was loving and solid, and then Dante wanted a child.
Tulip always dreamed of babies, but would never get the wish for it. The Watcher (me) became convinced she was worried that Dante might bite the baby! :o One day as they were on a date, Dante started spamming me with wishes to turn Tulip! Even though I usually fulfill wishes, I kept clicking his wishes off. He Spammed me 7 times in half an hour! He wanted desperately to turn her! mmm maybe Dante knows something the Watcher does not! I decided to let him fulfill this wish! I wanted to know! For Science!
"Are you sure, my love?" And Dante slips her a Potent Cure Potion, in case she wants to change her mind. "Yes, Dante, I'm sure." her voice was so enchanting, sounding like Elvan wind chimes to his ear. and it was done!
A few days later, Tulip went through the transformation!
And she got the wish to have a baby with Dante only a few minutes later! In fact she got many baby wishes! How did Dante know this would happen? I am so glad he told me with his thought bubbles and spammed wishes!
They are marvelous parents, there isn't a more devoted father, in fact Dante loves all babies & kids! 1st child Tula then and now
Tula's boyfriend Tristan--they live across the street in the family's other property, a 'Teen house', with a Chaperone
bekkasan hehehe No I just wanted to see if they could do adult jobs since they seem to be half teen and half YA :D I actually wanted the teens to go fight a fire to see if they would! But that was right before the firewomen started their s'henanigan's and I got all mad and forgot all about making a fire emergency and got Rocky to come! sometimes I get all in a dither and forget there is a pause button! is censored!!!!
Edit to say Now s'henanigan's is censored!!!! :o
Yes I use MC to make their job performance at around 97 so I can see them get a promotion and applaud themselves! lol
@bekkasan and now I have to include @AlexaKry !!! Because of what you just wrote agreeing with bekkasan about the teens! ! I will lump it all together! and hope it is a jumbled mess and hard to read! so there! Wow! At first I didn't know how to respond! But as this keeps happening, all I can say is I'm sorry my writing is so unclear that you continually see something that isn't even there! Even when I further explain it afterwards, to try to make it clear, I somehow keep failing! And now, today, all of a sudden Rocky's teens have brand New Foibles I also never even wrote? It's really hard to try to change something in characters, that was never written by me, when I read that you seem to give them character flaws they have never possessed, and I am utterly clueless on why you see Rocky's teenagers this way? I am not understanding why you see these things that aren't there in the story. Please let me try to explain them again, one line at a time:
''No, you didn't write it that way. I did."" <--- is this part of the miscommunication? >:) B)
'' I thought Dakota had a great attitude and the boys were just whiners.'' ''whine and be snobs and cheat leaving jobs '' whine? snobs? I don't understand? To explain them in the last episode, Fabian wants a job that will make Mara in awe . He saw her awe when he was astronaut, He has a fear that she won't be in awe about driving pizza around. This is his fear.
The teens are genius and want to learn skills and not drive pizza's around. They find that boring. Is that being a snob, or is it a preference? I also don't wish to drive pizzas around either, but I don't think that should label me a whiner, if I disliked or found boring that job nor would that make me a snob. It is just a preference! so I don't understand you calling them whiner and snobs. And I thought they were pretty brilliant to go after learning their skills, instead of staying at a boring work! they could have run off to the festival! But it was skills they were after! Although they should have called or texted Dad! they are impetuous, and they are teens not adults, and definitely not perfect! (thank goodness!)
''bratty trouble makers.'' What?! Now Suddenly they are brats too? I don't understand how? They have never been written as brats? What makes them Brats? Please explain! They do get in trouble, though, sometimes.
''Working full time is no excuse for not knowing what your child is up to. lol, I worked full time and knew at all times what my boy was doing, when and where and with who. It was called the Mom network. (some Dad's were in it too)'' Um, Dallas DID call Rocky, so I'm sorry I don't understand your point? Also Rocky is very different than a real human, he is make believe! So, No, I don't have Rocky have this real world network for this make believe town with it's make believe characters, where all sorts of crazy nonsensical things happen! It's just a silly story and Not all the parents are the perfect parents. Not all the teens are the perfect teens. But they are also not what you say they are!
I am wondering, Is it the teen characters, or the Rocky's story, or have I somehow made you mad at me? I hope not! I ask because I do notice that you only do this to me (making the 'out of their character' beliefs you have of my characters) and I would like to know why. please. Other than that I am clueless to why you both keep coming here if you hate my writing and characters so much? Maybe you like to be tortured! >:) B)
... :D Here is my perfect family story For You both, to put up against Rocky's story: ''Once upon a time there was a perfect little family that was so perfectly uninteresting that some of the town's people, who had the misfortune of knowing them, all died of boredom and then so did the author before she could even finish writing it. ''Wait! was she just being lazy, this not finishing her story? Or was she really actually bored to death?'' one town's person who had not died asked. Well the truth of the matter was no one cared! So they ignored this quizzical man and his question, and the man shuffled away, offended that he was being ignored by the apathetic group! And here it was supposed to be a sad sad day, of mourning, but everyone promptly forgot the boring perfect family, and drifted off to a more sunny spot, trying to indulge in their ennui! But they couldn't, because now they could not decide which was worse, being apathetic or bored! The End. '' :D :D :D No One would like that!!! Well, I Do actually like that, but it is wayy too short!!! :D
Yes I did have to restart! OMG I knew it was going to have to happen, I was really pushing the game and my laptop probably too! Finally it happened, when I was on Alfie's family, it showed Rocky's families pics on the left side, instead of Alfie's family :D this was when I wanted to move Jimmy and Jasmine to the house by the sea. I thought I did save between! But not often enough! There had been a so many aging ups, and moving to new houses, and saving all the families in edit town, so I wasn't too surprised at seeing this glitch. Happily, Restarting fixes this! :) But all that saving of each households did erase everyones wishes, and it kind of reset them too! :o I watched them ''come to" and it was kind of like they were thinking "wait! where am I?!!" I'm hoping that if they really want some of those wishes back, they will wish it again!
@DivaDoodle : he he he, this time I have a really short comment: I could copy and paste @bekkasan `s comment to the boys one to one here, because I agree to all of what she had written to the twins in her last comment! :D
Ah, ok, Mara and Fabian didn´t happen, so then it´s ok for him to woohoo at the firestation. Oh, wait, did I write that, really? Of course it is against my "moral standards" to do so in public, with a teen, hm.... :D Ach, just forget it! :p
Sweet, a loading time of 6 to 8 min! THAT ISN`T LONG AT ALL, MY DEAR! We can talk about long loading times together again when your´s reach 30 min and more! :D (just a reminder: mine are 35 to 45 min each when I play in Moonlight Falls, it´s much faster when I play in a not so overstuffed world, one of the main reasons why my family travels so much...)
:D I wouldn´t mind if you took Dante´s shirt away fully, that would be much better than his recent, too short, one... ;) >:)
Henny´s genes: I just hope that I am wrong with my first guess (I have someone more in mind, too) Aiden van Gould? Wrong, right? :D
:) I don´t work with the game given Bio, so I have to use this double names and the family tree to find out how my Sims were called before they married and divorced again.
:D Your mum must have been a bit self-righteous woman, and a very morally strict one, too, hm? At least she told you and your sisiters some of the secrets! My parents didn´t tell many secrets, either, but we didn´t talk about such things much. (we didn´t talk much at all...)
B) So I must have some Albert genes myself, I am a bit forgetful sometimes, too. It can happen that I leave the house with my pyjama and my slippers on and don´t notice that until I want to pay in the shop....
:D he he he, I won´t use such a gum, I am more into something greener.... ;) helps a lot against the pain...
:D Yes, it´s easy to to get confused with some letters.... I don´t know why people feel the need to make such needless comments? It´s beyond my understanding!
I'm back home from work for 3 hours, went very well :)
I really like rocky he is so handsome, he and sunny are so adorable together. Is Fabian that redhaired guy? He is hot <3 , I'm not much for longhaired styles on sim guys but he fits it well.
@DivaDoodle Thanks for the cookie. ;) Very long comment monstrosity incoming....
"The MacDuff 's are a family without parents (they ran off)" Oh, poor kids. :(
"Now that I look back on it I think everyone Knew that Sunny was feeling like she had just made her decision that she wanted to find a mate! I think she was purposely sharing that info, if sims can indeed do that sort of thing---well it sure looked like it!"
You are great at catching these things that would probably pass over my head if I was playing your game.. (?)
Page 53
Aww, so good for Sunny to have such a helpful sister to help her finding a man. ;) Her eyes could probably lure anyone in, as long as she doesn't show her teeth... :P :P
Uh oh, she bites... Run Rocky, run! :P
""Oh no Youngman, I won't bite your new baby or any of your kids! You have my word!" says Sunny, though she thinks Youngman would make an excellent Vampire, with his nice looks!" <-- Yeah, I bet she does, but I think she should lay off the biting thing... ;)
Strange burglar, thinking Sunny is hot after getting beat up, but eh... :P
Haha, writing a love letter to Rocky when he is sleeping in her bed.. ;)
Bill Misfit, haha, I like the name. Is that another one the game has made, or did you make that one? Not to much of a fan of the cowboy type, though... :P
Oh, he's a heartbraker type.. yeah, just get away from him. He's not worth your time... but no, she has to bite him instead and get attracted of course. Meh! Stupid woman! :P
""Rocky, I don't want to meet any more guys, I already know I love you and wish you were my Boyfriend!"" <-- Good, now you settle down.
Ok, she wants more vampires, hmm... I love this expression even if it has teeth all over it.
""Dude, why are you so tall?" asks Chad" <-- Ah, yes, having sims of different height is of course more realistic, the downside is of course that it can make hugging and kissing look kind of awkward. I had it installed for a while, but took it out for that reason...
Hehe, this Chad seems to be a good baby sitter, or maybe he is just bragging.. :P
Page 54:
""Dude, go take a cold shower! It's embarrassing!" thinks Jed." <-- Haha, did Chad just get a *cough* *cough*... Haha, umm, yeah, not always easy to be a teenager with such hormones! :P If that was embarrassing for everyone else, I can almost guarantuee it would be much more embarrassing for Chad!
Youngman is very certain he wants to be a vampire, a.k.a. being immortal. Yeah, maybe something like that would be worth it.. if all it costs is one short bite.. Maybe if I lived in a shadowy place, I would consider. ;)
Oh, Nadia is a naughty maid, going to bed with a teenager. Sssh! :P I hope he is 16+ or she would be breaking the law. ;) (In my country atleast.)
""Or Like when we watched that movie XXX on the computer, but it wasn't the same kind of movie we thought at ALL, and Vin Diesel wasn't even in it?" Fabian asks. "No, it was much better than even that!" answers Jed." <-- Haha, what are your sims up to. ;)
"Making out with her ear and eye because he is so tall! lol The curse of being too tall!" <-- Haha, there it is. ;) But Fabian and Mara are both cute teenagers. If he is tall enough, he might just bang his head into ceiling lamps and random doorways, too...
"Mara is so pretty!" <-- Yes, she is. :P
Hehe, of course Rocky would see through Fabians plan to be with Nadia..
"But right now, he feels left out and lonesome for love, because he can hear his brother Fabian upstairs having fun," <-- No fair! :P
"It is at this moment that Hanae understands that Nadia didn't come to work early today, In fact, she didn't come to work at all! Because Len is here to do her job!" <-- Busted! Hm, could Nadia really be afraid of being arrested? :P
"''I don't know if either of you are aware, but our remaining politicians are all corrupt!'' Dante tells them." <-- Oh, I'm not surprised. ;) Fits in perfectly with my cynical world view that politicians would be corrupt! Why not sim politicians, too? Probably...
Oh yeah, Octavio and Miriam.. of course, I wouldn't trust those.. weren't they the ones responsible for having every child go bald or something like that!? (Correct my memory if it's wrong..) Yeah, I get it, he wants to show off his fangs, but that's not the kind of politician I would vote for! ;)
256 The Watcher Watches: Pendragon's ~~ Silly Out Takes at Central Park.~~
Oh, there is Poor Eddy with his guitar. He actually did show up in University town in my game, I was surprised to see that he was an EA premade. I thought he was someone elses creation!
""The heat! It is as if my blood is on fire! it feels as if it is boiling through my veins! What have I gotten myself into" the pop-up tells us! :o" <--- My main argument against being a vampire.. if it is being out in the sunlight that causes it?
"Which is just as well because Max has thought up a new plan to keep Everyone off His bed today! LOL" <-- Heh, its funny how he can think its HIS bed when it is in a public location! I would strongly disagree, its not yours, its a public bed! ;) I wonder why my hometown doesn't have more public beds around! Must be the weather.... ah, well.. there's always hotel rooms....
"Yesterday was the first time out in 1.5 yr!" <-- Wow, sh... it's really been that long... Nice you had a good time out with your family! I went out eating with my family on my visit as well.
"They had BEDS on the airplane" <-- Amazing, must be first class! :P I'd like to fly like that, but I bet its expensive! :P
257 The Watcher Watches: Pendragon's ~~ Transformation ~~
"Fabian loves his Dad so much! He is just he best Dad in the world! He is excited to tell Jed that they have Dad's permission!" <-- So many good people and parents in your town (apart from the MacDuff family parents whoever they are)! Makes me think its the quite opposite with my games.. My sim parents suck (and its not just because I want my stories to be that way)! Well, not all of them, most of them are pretty average I would say.. I like average, average is good in my book. :P
Oh, it takes a while to be transformed into a vampire.. it doesn't just happen immediately. Hmm, I guess Youngman is gonna have to deal with his transitioning for some time then. (I have never had anyone get bitten in my game, so the effects are unknown to me.)
Hanae is a good person for now being the rock of the family. ;)
""Hon, you are just the sexiest man on the planet!" whispers Hanae. And that makes Youngman the happiest guy in the world!" <-- Haha, wonderful! ;)
258 The Watcher Watches: Pendragon's ~~ Teen work day ~~
""It's not quite a lie, is it? to not say the complete truth? I like her so much, but if she knows I'm just a dumb teen in school, she might not like me anymore!" he thinks." <--- Haha, Nadia probably knows he's a teen already, young one. ;)
"Jeb is right! So far Nadia seems to think he's her same age, just with a baby face she finds tremendously cute...." <--- Wait, does she? She's probably pretty young then, too?
"Jed wishes he could sneak back home, to not be under Youngman's eye today! At least he could be with Nadia, if he were at home!" <--- Oh what a bummer. That's one detail he forgot. ;) Oh, look, its a young Brian Johnson with a bandit mask. (Well, not quite, but.. :P)
Hehe, Fabian and Jed are very opposite when it comes to girls, especially in the uhmm.. "austronaut control room" (for lack of better words..), and it is interesting that a lack of strategy works better then having one.. just to bad Jed doesn't notice. ;)
Fabian is so much in love, even his love letter is floating... haha. :p
Page 55
"The house has 14 people right now! And Who knows if she even wants to be turned, But Youngman has that wish to turn her!" <-- Wow, that's a big household.. and what do you mean by turning her (Hanae)? Turning her into what?
"LOL but Fabian seems to have a good interrupting type plan! And just cuts in! :D Patty is studying biology in school, so finds this fascinating!" <--- Hahaha, what does she study? Simish biology? How awkward! :P
"Henny is happy how he looks, and laughs, enjoying the moment! Nice lookin guy!" <-- but his jacket is asymmetric! :P Well, happy birthday! :P
Aand happy birthday to Faith too. Wow, she looks kind of different. Now she looks like a real woman. Begone with you, young girl teenage braided hair. :P
And what a birthday gift for Henny, his own beach house. I'm envious! :P
260 The Watcher Watches: About Town Out Takes :) ~~ Alfie's son Jimmy~~
"Ah! Jimmy Helmquist, Alfie's #1 son! " <-- Wait, their last name is Helmquist? How come I never noticed that? Which of course reminds me I should update myself on AlexaKry's story too. I will do that next.
"Besides, then I can flaunt my Age to Fawn! She is so funny when she gets a bee in her bonnet!" <-- Bee in her bonnet? What does that mean? Is it some kind of strange euphemism I'm not getting... :P Well, google tells me it means to be obsessed with something, aha, ok.
Yep, Jasmine after the transformation looks very fairy like. Perfect costume. ;)
261 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Intern day 2 for Rocky's Teens.~~
"It's because most everyone here in town Loves pizza!" <-- Well, who doesn't like pizza? :P
Oh, those teens.. they're so stupid only thinking about girls all the time.. I wish I could meet them to talk some sense into them.. :P Not that there's anything wrong with thinking about girls of course, but.. not ALL the time... :P
Haha, even the game got rid of all the firemen for them, and left only women there. ;)
Of course fire fighting is a dangerous job, but learning handiness is probably better than learning how to deliver a pizza....
@DivaDoodle I didn't realize if you didn't use the game SP they wouldn't progress in jobs. Before I got SP from nraas I used to turn off EA's. Been so long I guess I forgot or never realized that non played sims didn't promote. I use MC to set the career level or skill level for sims if I need them able to do certain things quickly though. But I generally make them all work for their careers whether it is a RH or one I have to help with. I have to help with all of them right now so they are going slow! :grin: Because Lee was not intended to be a full time sim I gave him high levels in his needed skills and career to help with what he needed to be able to do for the story. I love that we can do that with mods!
No, you didn't write it that way. I did. I thought Dakota had a great attitude and the boys were just whiners.
Working full time is no excuse for not knowing what your child is up to. lol, I worked full time and knew at all times what my boy was doing, when and where and with who. It was called the Mom network. (some Dad's were in it too)
Is the reason you started them doing these little jobs they couldn't go to school because of their glitch? I use Nrass career and the school modules. You can assign teens or kids to RH for school. I usually only assign teens. The kids go to the school.
Bummer about restarting messing up some of the relationships. I guess if it is meant to be it will happen again. Save, save save! :grin:
Well, all they seem to be learning this day is how to whine and be snobs and cheat leaving jobs and yeah, that the firestation has hot babes who play around. Losing their cycles will be a good lesson to learn responsibility to get them back. :grin: I hope what Rocky has in mind will work. They are both cute and have potential and don't need to turn into bratty trouble makers. Make the little toddler (forgot his name) talk to them. They might listen to him instead of their Dad.
@bekkasan No don't worry your comments are not mean, I also think Rocky's teens are quite more mischievous than the good little children that usually live in the town! That can get very boring to me! They are way too curious and get away with too much being mistaken by those who don't know them as YA!
Yes it was Fabian that had that more snobby thought until Dakota made him see another side to the pizza job! that can be the trouble with some teens sometimes and their weird thoughts! But both of them did prefer the astronaut uniform, and Fabian was more influenced because Mara was gushing about him being so intelligent and an astronaut for the day! That can turn any boy's head!
Oh! I didn't know you were seriously asking! I'm sorry! Why I do it is because I don't use SP, so unless I promote the sims they won't get ahead. So I just make their job performance at 97 then send them to work, or ask the boss for a promotion! LOL I do it for some not all. I will have to make a point to show who I Don't do it for! right now it is Henny&Faith and Jimmy&Jasmine who are at the lowest rank!
hahaha did I write Whining instead of wining? Poor Dakota Please forgive me you cute pizza guy!! lol I do so like Dakota! ''Well, they did exactly what I thought two immature teens would do...ditch the job. They were given too much license on their own and not enough supervision.'' Yep! That's what happened!
Yes Rocky needs to know about what his teens do when he is not around, that would be ideal! But full time workers can't keep an eye on their teens 24/7. I better write that in the story!
Good thing his friend Dallas has called him, and Rocky saw for himself and was able to stop his teens being eaten alive by the mosquitoes at the fire station!
No, Fabian wasn't thinking of Mara at the fire station. They are not a couple. just one date and then I had to restart, and Fabian had just cut the date short, the pop up said he could have had a better time at home. Mara was flirting with Jed, right next to Fabian! But I had to restart for other reasons and just saw that fleeting popup. so that date never even happened and now that this family is saved to the library all wishes were removed. So if they want there once crushes back, they will have to wish it again.
Nadia is still working at Youngman's, Jed hasn't wished for her since the restart and move. I don't know what will happen with them, if anything. I wonder if maybe he isn't like our friend who Jed is based on!? I will have to see!
. No Dallas wasn't expecting them, they just said they wanted to learn something there and Dallas allowed it, as Rocky is his friend, so Dallas thought Rocky must have given them permission. Sorry I didn't write that clearly! that is probably why am not a professional writer!?
Hahaha I like your mean Mom punishment! :D But the bikes have nothing to do with the offense, and they already know how to deliver pizza's, the point of interning is to learn something new.
So they learned the handiness skill thanks to Dallas, which is Good, and they learned that there are sexy very very forward babes at the fire station--Ahem! that is Quite Enough learning for that place, that's for sure!
Rocky didn't want that for his sons at all, that's why he said "I don't know what that guy (Counselor) was thinking, sending my boys to the Fire Station! That is too dangerous a job for teens!" he thinks. "Not to mention, there could have been a Fire!" So he is really disliking the danger of all those women pouncing on his teens and the danger of a possible fire!
And he thinks the Counselor sent them there! :o (and before you ask, Rocky thinks that Nadia was a crush and not at all like the woo maniacs at the fire station, completely different in His eyes!)
@Sprottenham I hope you had a wonderful vacation! Oh my I feel so sorry for you wanting to catch up over here! *pats shoulder* here have a cookie! ?
The MacDuff 's are a family without parents (they ran off) that Youngman is helping to care for. So Youngman is trying to find a wife because he has a wish to marry, even before having a girlfriend! LOL
HAHAHA Yes we can always count on Rainflower to say the ridiculous!
''Haha, Sugar Free, I love your naming. ;) '' The Game named her! LOL
Yes Youngman is really a family man! he just loves kids so much and really wants to have a wife to help him guide and parent the kids!
Oh hahaha Rainflower' outfit is the Rockstar uniform outfit of the game---Rainflower doesn't look as good in it as others sims do, like Timon and Oscar!
Yes Hanae was so cute proposing to Youngman all hairy and icky socks and all! LOL
Now that I look back on it I think everyone Knew that Sunny was feeling like she had just made her decision that she wanted to find a mate! I think she was purposely sharing that info, if sims can indeed do that sort of thing---well it sure looked like it!
hahaha Cake is so important to my sims! Oh I like your belief that it is the main reason for weddings! My baby sister made her own wedding cake , and it was all organic and only sweetened with Dates! Everyone secretly was sooo disappointed! :D :D :D
LOL I know Some teens have some funny notions, especially when a cutie like Mara will tell them how Awesome they are having worked as an astronaut!
hahah I'm glad you thought they looked good as pizza guys! No Rocky didn't hear their complaints, he just wants them to learn and be polite to everyone! At least they DO do that! mostly! :D
Yeah poor boys weren't so charming and nice like Dakota is, so no one invited them in or thought they were handsome, and then they were stinky like pizza, so they didn't like it very much!?
NO! Rocky is at work! He did not know they ditched that intern job!? OMG I know I was Sooo disappointed that there wasn't available a fireman outfit for them! I even set them as a fireman for their career but the game still didn't let me get that nice uniform! ? The game is so mean to me! lol
Yes they had one skill point in handiness, and since it was set as their career they were able to maintain the fire engine and alarm! Yes! Good that this town doesn't burn often! And good that Dallas didn't see Jed using a Hammer on the fire engine! :D I really wanted to have a fire happen to see what the teens would do, and if the game would let them put out the fire, but those pesky flirty girls got me all freaked out and I forgot to do it! those girls are just soo forward and impossible! Even Sian! and she usually just sits in the hottub!
hahaha girls day! I want to know WHY Sebastian keeps running away to to which job now! I am going to have to domesticate that sim one of these days and see if he will want a wife, and what the deal is with that guy! He is unusual, so of course I like him!
Oh yes Dallas thinks it is a very pleasant thing to have only female workers there! ;) Did you see crazy Gail thinking of wedding rings to Dallas!?! I forgot to check the relationships to see if any of the girls were Dallas' romantic interest. it shouldn't be so, but Youngman did break that thing!
Thank you about the pictures! yes they were very serious working on their handiness on the alarm and fire engine!
No Mara isn't Fabian's GF, something happened on his date with her and the game made a popup that he 'could have had more fun staying home!' And Mara and Jed were flirting right next to him! the devils! But then I had to re-start for other reasons. So the date didn't even really happen, just the age ups and the move. so I will have to see all over again who, if anyone, the boys will like, because when I save to the library all the wishes were wiped away.
No! Rocky remembers how it was working at the fire station will all those extremely forward sexy firewomen and doesn't want that for his boys! That's why he said "I don't know what that guy (Counselor) was thinking, sending my boys to the Fire Station! That is too dangerous a job for teens!" he thinks. "Not to mention, there could have been a Fire!" So he is really disliking the danger of all those women pouncing on his teens and the danger of a possible fire! And he thinks the Counselor sent them there! :o (and before you ask, Rocky thinks that Nadia was a crush and not at all like the woo maniacs at the fire station, completely different in His eyes!)
Yes Bekkasan also said Rocky needs to watch them more, but I don't know how it was for you guys, but here, working people can't keep an eye on their teens 24/7. I better write that in the story!
No I can Save to bin with more than 8 but I have doubts that I can Place them into the town. I haven't ever tried. The game is so mean to me it probably wouldn't let me! Yes I agree Moonlight Falls is temperamental! If I add all the NRaas mods I want to, my game probably won't even load! I have it so it takes 6-8 minutes loading, so am very happy about that, it makes it seem I can play for many many more months longer, as long as I don't have too many sims living in town---which of course is so hard not to do! :o
''Maybe you should consider giving Dante a longer T-Shirt for his sports outfit?'' What?!!! You must have some sort of objection to me leering at his fine body and fainting whenever I see him! :p B) I don't want to cover him up even more! In fact, I think I will take away his shirt entirely now! LOL >:)
LOL So far No one has wanted that pink ruffly dress and looked at me pleading and miserable! It is a glitchy dress too and needs to be fixed!
So who do you think Henny might have genes from? B) :*
Yes I did see many books and paintings from hyphenated names in Thalan and Timon's inventory! I don't do the hyphenated names, Alfie is the only one! I put it in their Bio where they came from, and anything I still need to remember like if they wanted a baby before I left them.
Yes it never matters to me if we think it is ok or wrong, just the fact that it happened is interesting to me!!! I always would pry my Mom to tell me of the skeletons in the family's closet of the family tree, but she never told me until I was in my 50's! LOL I think the only reason she told me was she got very ill, and she thought someone should know. Yes I told all my sisters right away! And they added More of what My Mom only had told each of Them! so it was really fun getting together to find out all this torrid stuff!
I don't make fun of his hates but he was sooo tremendously funny and cute his faces! god what an adorable kid! No what I'm referring to is when he was very young! And the words he chose were so cute, as both boys didn't have command of the words they were wanting to use, with their particular learning differences. I don't think it would even translate to written word as funny, .. as you would have to see the face and hear the words and tone, to have to hide your smile, so the child will think you are taking them seriously!
OMG well genius does have it's funny particularities when coupled by what ever gene is responsible for all the weirdness! LOL did I tell you that when Grandfather and Albert were going on their long walks to the university together, that Grandfather saw, when they were resting on a bench that Albert had his sock garters On but forgot his socks that day?!!! LOL :D I bet he was the best man to talk with!
Yes I am sorry to say it is so! I do love that gum! It is the most incredible calm/alert feeling ever! I do strongly suggest you Don't ever try it! In some people it is too addictive! And expensive!!! Plus when you do ever get to the olllld old age, it can do that to you pulse and BP! and Who knows, it might even be partly responsible for my husbands silly irresponsible antics! :open_mouth: I doubt they are still testing it!
Thank you for telling me about SimStafRon! gosh and to make a such a name so some might think he is a moderator or someone of importance to the forum! What a Bick!!! Oh did I type a B instead of a D? :D
Thank you for coming and chatting my friend!!! I do love it so!!!
@DivaDoodle Well, it was an interesting update for sure. Usually your teens are so good. These two boys, not so much. I hope my comments are not too mean. :open_mouth: The kids are kinda snobby aren't they, regarding the pizza job and uniform.
Rocky and Sunny look great. I still want to know how you get your sims up in careers so fast. :lol: I think Rocky needs to listen to the boys when they don't know he is around. Especially Jed hanging with Nadia.
I think what Dakota has is a winning personality, not a whining one. :lol: The boys need to learn the difference if they want to succeed in what they do. Well, they did exactly what I thought two immature teens would do...ditch the job. They were given too much license on their own and not enough supervision.
Why was Dallas expecting them and allowing them to work when they were supposed to be on another job? omg, the firestation is the wrong place for two silly immature teens. lol at Dallas finally calling Rocky. I think he only did it to have the girls to himself. I guess Fabian didn't think about Mara at the firestation! I think Rocky needs to talk to his sons and not just the counselor! Personally I think a fitting punishment would be to have to keep working as pizza delivery boys and losing the bikes! :grin: Mean mom strikes again. :grin:
I am back from vacation now, so I will try to read through what I have missed on the forums (bit by bit).
Page 52
I have to familiarize myself with the macDuff family now (sorry I don't remember the details of what I read before vacation. :P) . They look like a nice family. I see mom and daughter have the flirtatious trait. So mom doesn't live the family for whatever reason? Not rich enough for her maybe, but I think they look quite rich with a nice big house and their own sauna... what a shallow reason to not live with your own family...
Oh, that's Cherry Blossom. I remember her, she is the flower girl from the kissing booth stand. I can understand why Jules would like her. ;)
Looks like Youngman thinks any mom will do.. why not Hanae. She is cute and has a pretty name. :P
Ah yes, Jules probably has all the reasons to be his happiest ever. I'm sure he's got a fine woman in Cherry Blossom. ;)
Quote: "No I'm sorry, but Rainflower is disappointed in Peanut for snubbing me again, and says we have to hangout together until we feel the love! I really don't like it here Patty, I wish I was with you!" laments Zack. <-- Haha, yes, that's ridiculous.. but I guess its something one should expect from a character like Rainflower... :P Lucky the lamp was there... ;)
Oh, Youngman's ex answered his love letter.. Hmm, but he is with Hanae now (I guess), so..
Hanae's guest must really have wanted to come over, since they came so quickly. Haha, Sugar Free, I love your naming. ;)
"The teens get to learn to drive in Police Cars! " <--- Oh, lucky ones, haha!
"Now that Henny feels better, he can get back to bed! Aw he is feeling the love! Rainflower would be so proud!" <-- Haha, nothing brings out the feeling of love like an overflowing toilet... :P :P
Oh, poor Hanae but she can probably get her old rank back if she works at it.. just be careful with the love interests...
Oh, Nadia works as a maid. That's probably a more realistic maid costume than the one that comes with the game....
Youngman is really a family man.
"Patty thinks "If I become a rock star, I hope I don't end up looking like Rainflower!"" <-- Haha, yeah. What is that new look of his.. showing off his hairy chest. Oh well... :P
Oh, Hanae is so cute for proposing to Youngman. Even if he is hairy and wears socks in bed. :P What a sweet lady.
Nice wedding, so quickly. :P Now why would they all be thinking about Sunny, hmm..
Haha, of course they love cake. Everyone loves cake. Isn't that the main point of a wedding? :P
Ah. Cherish runs away, well for some people marriage is scary, I can understand that.. it is a very big thing, of course...
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