can we have a world based on South Africa?
it's either a game pack or expansion pack but i want an South Africa culture, activities and traditions unique architect too, maybe we can have a new greeting option
i don't know a single thing about that country so i'll share the screencaps instead
a beach with a hammock and maybe even new collections
walking near a waterfall but even by doing so walking near wild animals, maybe even a new death type
kayaking among whales as a new outdoor activity
hiking through the mountains or hills
i think based on dangerous sports (which i don't think they can create this trait because based on what i found on South Africa i don't think each dangerous sports are possible because as far as i know it they're all water activities but a few activities are maybe possible to create) they should add this personality trait because i'm sure a few wild activities are possible to make so i've thought of excitable as a personality trait, and an another one which i don't know the name of it but you want to throw things away that are broken, useless or damaged
an another personality trait that might match with the pack is this one if they ever decide to make a pack based on something wild in Africa (Dopamine Addict)
diverse landscapes
rabbit-holes this time around but i want a safari with maybe questions popping up you have to answer, i've thought about a safari first but i'm afraid it will be too wild to be shown, it will be just like Tomarang
as for aspirations i can't think of any and same with clothes and hairstyles
i've thought about a few things but i'm afraid not each can be implemented such as abseiling, rafting to name these things for examble, we might can create rivers but it will be more like Tartosa for the view only but we definitely need a new beach world for sure since by so far we only have 3 of them at this moment (Sulani, Tartosa and Tomarang)
this is actually the first time about creating an africa world because mine is all either Europe or America and only Asia continent once or twice but maybe it's because i'm an european myself
it's only according to google i found things based on South Africa of course so maybe you have better ideas than i do at this moment