in the new update
1. add a dark theme to the game.
2. the inventory needs adjustments like a search bar & if you select items in the inventory add an arrow to move the selected items.
3. add an underwater city for mermaids & a forest village only plantsims can go there.
4. can you add some powers for plantsims & mermaid & aliens & skeletons, like skeleton don't need to eat or go to toilets, add mermaid perk for faster siwiming & other abilities, add plantsim ability to travel underground to go somewhere else & the abily to fertilize plants, aliens can use technology to teleport and other stuff.
5. fix werewolf and vampire super run.
6. add something abilities to grim reaper & father winter there useless when you play with them, skeletons to.
7. turn ghost teleport like the vampire teleport they do automatically.
8. fix when you cook something he eats it immediately even if he isn't hungry.
9. change the maximum household from 8 to 10 or 12 or make animals don't count as a household member, only for playable household so it doesn't make any lag.