Roommates doing weird things
OK, so this is not meant to be a bug report in any way, which is why I am posting here in General Discussion. I'm pretty sure everything is working as intended, but I have two roommates that are doing some really weird things.
Roomie #1 has this habit of sitting on a toilet for 30 - 40 minutes at least once or twice every day. She just sits there as far as I can tell, not reading books, not using a phone or tablet, nothing! The toilets work fine for everyone else. There are two identical toilets in the house and she'll do this on either one. She is a happy roommate and never complains about her needs or threatens to leave. She never does that funny I-need-to-pee walk either before or after her toilet sitting. I can't think of any traits that would cause this. She also has a habit of spraying things with a cleaning bottle even though she does not have the Neat or Squeamish traits.
Roomie #2 gets a Sad mood every time she goes outside the house. Like every time. She'll be perfectly happy inside the house but as soon as she goes outside I see her start to do that sad, mopey kind of walk. She will cheer up if my Sim interacts with her but soon afterwards will get the Sad mood again. What the heck kind of trait would cause that? The closest thing I can think of is Gloomy but she does not have that trait. It's like she has an anti-Loves Outdoors trait! I can't think of any Build/Buy object I have outside the house that could be causing this and no other Sim shows this type of behavior. She usually has a Happy mood when she is inside and she also never complains about her needs or threatens to leave. She does drop those whiney/sarcastic complaint notes every now & then but they seem to almost be at random.
I'm not complaining about any of this, I've had these roommates for quite a while now and it does keep my game interesting and at times very amusing. I'm wondering if anyone else is seeing these or any other really odd things with their roommates that does not fit with their traits?
This is a mod/CC-free test save I am using to experiment on ways of keeping roommates happy. I might temporarily pop in a mod or two to test certain things but I don't save afterwards and I always clear the cache after I remove the temp mods.
@DMDragonCT Thanks for the info on that mod :D I temporarily put it in my game & confirmed that everything I was seeing is by design and definitely not a bug. Thank you @crinrict for helping me figure this out. Any further details than that would be very heavy with spoilers. I will add a few details below for anyone interested, while trying to keep the spoilers at a minimum.
For anyone who would prefer to keep things about their roommates a little bit more of a mystery, please do not read any further than this.
SpoilerIt turns out that roommates do have special hidden traits that were added to the game with the Discover University EP. These "roommate" traits are completely different and separate from their permanent traits and appear to be randomly assigned to the NPC at the time you ask & they accept to be your roommate. The list of possible traits is quite long with each trait accounting for specific behaviors and actions that the roommates will take.
For example, the roommate I mentioned that sits on the toilet for 30+ minutes has a trait called "Bathroom Hog". It's actually quite funny & very realistic now that I see the intent of the developers! I mean, who hasn't had a roommate or family member who hogged up a bathroom? My sister used to take forever in there! xD All of the odd behaviors I mentioned in post #1 can be attributed to various roommate traits.
One last thing that I have noticed is that these traits are removed from that NPC as soon as they are no longer your roommate. If you ask the same NPC to be your roommate a second time, they will receive new random roommate traits. I haven't yet found a cheat or mod that will let me add/delete/change roommate traits but I will keep looking.