"SfarinaP;d-947197" wrote:
Seasons - hate it. winter is endless, rains constantly, hate the restrictions on gardening. How do I 1) Turn off the entire EP?
2) Leave the pack installed but deactivate winter and fall? thanks very much
I have seen this discussion but need a step by step instruction how to do one or the other. thanks
You can't turn off fall and winter, but you can disable weather in Game Options. You can turn off rain and thunderstorms, snow and blizzards, or all of them. The seasonal gardening makes it more of a challenge -- not sure if there might be a mod that takes that away either. Persnoally I like the rain and snow as they challenge me to come up with workarounds. I built an indoor park with play equipment and other kids' activities to have a place to send them; I'm also working on a covered pool for when the weather's bad but my Sims still want to go swim (plus there's the indoor pool in the basement of the Harber Quarter Gym in Windenburg where I can send them). I also have my Arts and Science Center where my Sims can go in bad weather to work on skills.
"slamonda;c-16706561" wrote:
i love it and winter is my favorite
I'm thinking of disabling blizzards because they're really tough on my Sims. I want to keep the thunderstorms even with the constant Tense moodlets because I like the stuff (crystals, elements) generated from the lightning strikes.
"poptarts_;c-16706572" wrote:
Hmmm I think the one bad review is outnumbered a whole lot then. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the writer is wrong (I have no idea lol) but I think I'm still willing to try it out ..
It's added a lot of value to my game play -- I've had to rethink a bunch of builds whether they'd be Seasons compatible. (I enclosed Hogan's Burger Bar and renamed it BorgOpolis so it would be suitable for the weather.)