☆☆☆ New S4 Game Update expected ☆☆☆
With the release of the new game pack „Lovestruck” at JUL 25 2024, there will be for sure a huge S4 patch prior to the release. We know from the past, that there will be new features integrated in our games and also a couple of already existing things will be changed to adapt to the new GP content.
As a consequence we once again expect all script mods
to break after the upcoming Sims 4 patch deployment!
Most probably there will be also an MCCC update, but as always it will take its time.
You know @Deaderpool and his willingness to work on this matter, so I'm convinced,
that there will be a solution in a reasonable time frame.
What could you do?
If you decide to install the upcoming S4 patch, you should be prepared for game errors and to update your mods.
Check now which script mods you are using in your game:
Game Options > Others > View Custom Content > scroll down to section "Script Mods"
Probably everything you find in this section has to be updated to the new game version or to be deleted.
You find the corresponding files in your S4 folder ...\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods and its subfolders.
Script mods are usually (but not necessarily) files with an ts4script extension (i. e. mc_cmd_center.ts4script).
You might also consider to deactivate the automatic update function in the EA App,
which gives you the opportunity to wait until updates of your favorite mods are available.
There is no need to install the patch at once!
But note also, that if you plan to install "Lovestruck" on release day (Thursday, 2024/07/25)
you have to patch beforehand or during pack installation.
I will keep you informed about the newest developments.
If you have any questions please ask,
or visit our Discord: https://discord.gg/mccc
☆☆☆ Have Fun! ☆☆☆