Sims 4 buggs 2 years and still continues
Hi so I’ve got sims 4 on Xbox PlayStation and pc and I’ve got to say the only one I don’t have issues with is pc and that’s the one with over 17000 mods and cc, as controversial as it sounds I do prefer console over PC when I play but it has became almost impossible to play on my Xbox and has became very aggravating for my PlayStation
xbox: does not want to sync and wants to sync every time I open the game takes an hour plus game crashes every time I travel, yes I have tried deleting all saves and starting again I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling witch takes a long time due to having all packs bar from the new business hobbies it got to a point where I sold my Xbox just short of a year ago, bought a brand new one and guess what it did the exact same thing not loading crashing it basically paid money to look at it so if anyone has any idea what to do with the Xbox that would be great because at this point I want to become a Karen and demand a refund on all 52 packs owned on the Xbox.
PlayStation: very similar to the Xbox crashes after travling sims freezing every 20 mins so have to reboot the game every time to the point of where I’m trapped in one location because I don’t want the game to crash this console deletes packs and pre order gifts constantly and only fixes when deleting and reinstalling, this console has all expansion game and stuff packs again paying money for it to look pretty on my console
pc lags every now and then
with all that being said I need some sort of solution because it’s becoming annoying and I love the game but almost £900 on both consoles and another £350 on pc on this game and I feel like I’ve wasted it more than I should feel. HELP